Chapter Five

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Peter ended up having to put you down for a nap before everything was ordered, he only managed to get your opinion on a rocking chair and crib before you fell asleep on his shoulder, and even then it was only a sleepy nod and suck on your paci. After that he carried you back upstairs a put you down in the play pen in the communal room under the watchful eyes of Sam and Steve. He would've put you down in a bed but without any bars or Peter to hold you, it would be way too easy for you to fall off.

Peter decided you needed a: rocking chair, crib, changing table, play pen, lots of toys and possibly a play tent or house of some kind. Along with some general supplies like diapers and clothes. Luckily, before you had fallen asleep, you had shown you favoured dark wood with pink so Peter was able to get a matching changing table, but he decided it was better for you to be awake before he even looked at toys.

He heard you start to stir from baby monitor he had in his hand. Peter heard Steve and Sam try to soothe you but they didn't sound very successful.

"Uh Pete, I think we're gonna need you up here." Sam said as the fussing turned to crying, Peter immediately turned everything off in the lab and went upstairs. He walked in the living room and saw you sat in the middle of the play pen crying your eyes out. Steve and Sam stepped back from you to make room as he approached.

"Shh baby, Daddy's here." He said peering into the pen, you let out a choked sob and you raised your hands to him, he crouched down and pulled your body against his chest. "It's okay Sweetheart, Daddy's here, you're okay."

You let out your last sobs as you pressed yourself into his chest more. You were supposed to be big today and now you were napping like a baby in a damp diaper which you didn't remember wetting. It wasn't a good day. Not at all.

"Just go back to sleep baby, everything's okay." You huffed and shook your head in his shoulder. "No? You don't want to nap?" You shook your head again. "You've only been down for half an hour Sweetheart, you need at least another hour to be my happy baby girl." You huffed again. You felt the vibrations from a chuckle go through his chest. "I'm afraid so, Daddy doesn't want a cranky baby." You whined and you felt him sigh. "Okay then."

Peter smiled at Sam and Steve as he walked out of the room and went to Tony's nursery. Everything should be delivered by tomorrow morning at the latest, he was just lucky Tony was big today. Peter placed you on the changing table and quickly got you in a dry diaper before taking you into the kitchen.

Peter pretended he didn't notice the sleepy yawns you were giving off every other minute, or the way you rested your head on his shoulder but would jerk every once in a while, obviously to wake yourself up when you nodded off, while he made a bottle. He smiled and started to rock and hum.

Peter couldn't describe the happiness he felt when you were in his arms, he felt most at peace in the world than he had ever felt before. Like everything he had ever done had been leading up to the moments he could hold you like this.

He was brought out of his thoughts by the beeping of the bottle warmer telling him it was ready. You instantly perked up as well, Peter chuckled, "Yeah, you can have a nice yummy bottle now." Peter picked up the bottle and put it in you open mouth. He smiled and watched you suckle at the bottle while you continued to rest on his shoulder, he started to wander as he fed you.

Peter ended up walking into the living area where Steve and Sam were still sat, they both smiled as they watched him coo down at you. He continued to walk around the room until you dropped off again with the half finished bottle in your mouth, which he took out and he put you back down in the play pen. 

" did this happen Pete?" Sam asked as Peter sat next to the two.

"Well, I've known her forever 'cus we go to the same school, and she had a melt down after the 'Classifications talk'. Then I signed a few things and now I'm a Daddy." Peter couldn't help but smile at the last part.

"Can't say I'm surprised."

The three continued to talk for the next hour until you woke up again. You sat up and smacked your lips looking around the room for your Daddy. You looked up sleepily at his warm brown eyes, he was so pretty! With his curly hair and sweet smile, it just reminded you of how much you loved him.

"Hey princess! You want to come to say hello now properly?"

You made a none committal sound and snuggled into his chest. 

"Hi Pumpkin."

You weren't as nervous as you were yesterday but you were still a little shy, so the sound of Sam's voice made you freeze. 

"It's okay baby, Sam's a really good Uncle." Peter reassured as you looked at him, and he wasn't lying, he had watched Tony many times with the company of Sam and he had never failed to make Tony go from crying to laughing in a matter of minuets.

"It's true, Sweetheart." Steve said, head popping up next to Peter's above you. "Sam can show you some really cool tricks."

That piqued your interest and you turned to look at Sam again. He smiled and reached behind your ear, when he pulled his hand away again he was holding a quarter. He gave it to you and you squealed.

"Come on Cutie, come to uncle Sam." He said as he stood up and moved to grab you from Peter's arms, giving you enough time to so you could make a fuss if you didn't want him holding you. But he gave you this shiny coin! Maybe he had more, so as soon as his hands were on your waist you started to lean towards him.

Sam smiled when he realised you wanted to play with him and instead of pulling you towards his body he swung you above his head which sent you into another bout of laughter.

Steve laughed at your cute giggles but then turned his head to Peter and then started laughing at him. All colour had drained from the new Daddy's face as he watched Sam continue to throw you up in the air. It was the same look Bruce had on his face after him and Tony signed the papers and Sam had done the same thing, only to warrant the same reaction from the Littles.

"Don't worry Pete, Sam would never let her get hurt. None of us would," Steve said nudging him with a smile. Peter nodded and tried to believe him while he swallowed thickly.

Sam noticed the look on Peters face and kissed your cheek as he brought you to his body.

"Think you better go back to Daddy Sweetheart, he looks like he misses you." Sam whispered in your ear, you nodded seriously and leaned towards Peter as Sam put you back in his lap. Your Daddy immediately held you really tightly and you could hear how hard his heart was pounding.

"I'm kay Daddy," you said trying to reassure him. Peter let out a shaky laugh and loosened his grip a bit.

"I know baby, you're my perfect girl."

I'm gonna start trying to put out shorter chapters so I don't get writers block as bad.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2020 ⏰

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