Chapter Two

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Peter continued to cradle you after you fell asleep, he internally groaned knowing he should've burped you before you slept, you would probably wake up with a stomach ache and that would probably make you more cranky when you woke up and he needed you to be as placid as possible for what would happen next. Him and Steve both looked up as they heard Bruce walk in with Tony in his arms, "It's okay baby boy, we'll get you comfortable with a bottle in no time." Luckily Bruce spoke with a soothing tone so it didn't wake you up, you stirred slightly so Peter brushed the hair off your face, you made a happy noise and continued to sleep soundly. As Bruce came through the door they both saw Tony attached to Bruce's hip as usual, his face buried in his chest as Bruce gave a confused look towards Peter and the girl on his lap but he kept moving to the kitchen.

Peter heard Bruce prepare a bottle for Tony, he turned his attention back to you. He admired your sleeping frame, your face was kind of pushed against his body that made your chubby cheeks and pouty lips all smushed. Just looking at you stomach rise and fall with each breath gave him a feeling of relaxation that he only thought was reachable when...well he didn't know when.

The whole world seemed to stop while he watched you, "Yo, Pete." Bruce said snapping his fingers, he was now sat on the pufe that he had dragged opposite him, Steve had also moved closer to him and was now one seat away on the sofa facing him. Peter looked up, "Well that's a big smile." Steve said snickering, a minor blushed creeped on Peter's cheeks as he immediately dropped his face, he shook away the colour and quickly changed the subject. "Where's Tony? I thought it was time for his bottle," Bruce looked confused, "Peter that was twenty minuets ago. He's been fed, burped, changed and put to sleep all while you were starring at your friend there." Bruce smiled towards the end of his sentence and the colour soon came to Peter's cheeks again. "Who is she anyway?" Steve asked, Peter shrugged. "Just a friend of mine, she's in a lot of my classes," Bruce and Steve glanced at each other confused. "I thought you were too young to be classified?" Bruce asked, Peter nodded "We are, we just had the health class today. And by the way, if I see you in one more school video I will steal your shield again." He threatened, Steve just chuckled.

"You know what she is right?" Bruce asked, Peter nodded. "If she's a little she needs somewhere to regress, what's her home life like?" Steve asked, "I don't think she's got much of one. She's never really said anything about it but if she does mention her parents it's never with a smile," Peter got sad at just the thought of you being sad. They both saw the emotion on Peter's face and looked at each other again, "And she'll need someone to take care of her," Steve said tactically. "Probably a Daddy by the looks of it," Bruce chimed in. They saw Peter try and hide the excitement, definitely from the thought of being a Daddy. "Hey, now that Bucky's gone, you've got free time right?" Bruce asked turning to Steve, "Oh yeah. I'd be happy to look after her if she needs it," They had to stop themselves from laughing at the disappointment the fell over his face at the thought of you being someone else's little. "Well I mean if what you say is true Pete then she doesn't have anyone, and it would be great if someone closer to her could take care of her, but I don't see any takers." Peter opened and closed his mouth trying to form an argument that would justify him being your Daddy and not Steve but not give anyone the satisfaction of them being right that he was a caregiver.

"I think I hear Tony stirring, Steve you wanna come to Tony's nursery and you can get some stuff for this one?" Bruce asked standing up and nodding towards you, "Yeah sure." Steve said following Bruce to Tony's little room. When they were outside the door and well out of Peter's sight line, they both burst out in a silent fit of laughter. "I feel so mean but that was so fun," Steve said wiping a tear from his eye, "Oh I know, did you see his face when you said you'd take care of her?" Bruce said slightly out of breath leaning against the wall. "Still, how are we gonna handle this? He won't admit that he wants to be her Daddy," Steve rubbed the back of his neck. "I don't know, just let his instincts take control I guess? I mean they've got him this far."

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