Field trip

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Of course the one time that he had fallen asleep was the time when the teacher was explaining about the trip and was only woken up by flash hissing in his ear 'seems like will see about that fake internship won't we'. The trip is next Tuesday don't forget to get it signed as it is a one in a lifetime chance. The teacher continued as people went to get the letter and headed out. 

The weekend came and while eating his lunch with the avengers his disfunction family he gave the letter to Tony without even reading it and slowly the letter was passed round the table back to Tony. "Kid do you know where your going" he asked. "No I fell asleep why? ". "your coming here."clint replied cackling. 

Peter let out a groan which received a few stares to which he replied you're going to embarrassed me in front of the whole class and in his head added kill anyone that bullies me. It was going to be the end of his short life. 

Before Peter knew it was Tuesday only for him to go to school and come back home again within the space of an hour. He rushed out already late as he had slept through his alarm and ran out carrying an apple. He told Happy about what was happening and could only blame his parker luck. 

"Finally at last" said the teacher as he climbed on the bus siting next to ned as he was bursting with excitement. Even though he had been there multiple times and MJ well she was reading her book and had her sketch book with her no doubt to capture Peters face of embarrassment. 

They soon arrived and the intern that was showing them around was Stacy he had helped her a couple of times and they were friends. Peter bet this was all part of the plan to embarrass him. However when she reached him she whispered Clint and Sam are first, and then thor and loki, and then the rest in whatever order. Miss potts sent me warn you Happy is leading the tour. She continued giving out the badges as Peter got his own out. 

Hello everyone please keep your badges on at all times if not you will be kicked out of the building Happy then continued to introduce himself and they went to the front desk. Good morning said Friday the sacrasm laced in her voice. This cause everyone to jump but happy told them about the AI. Happy then went through Happy hogan level 7 welcome back. Then students lined up to go through and flash pushed his way to the front. Flash went first and when Friday said Eugene Thompson level one cause flash to smirk. Everyone went through except Peter when he realised that friyad would say stark. He scan his card Peter parker level 10. I have informed boss and the other avengers of your arrival. Peter muttered a silent prayer thankful that it had said parker. 

Cindy asked about the levels to which Happy replied the levels go from 1 til 10 they each have different colours. 1 is for tours, 2 is for the press, 3 and 4 are for interns, 5 and 6 is for the anybody that works in the labs, 7 is for friends and family of the avengers, 8 is for the avengers that don't stay like thor, loki and shuri, 9 is for the avengers that stay full year round like captain America. Finally level 10 is for Tony stark and miss pepper and Tony's personal intern. 

This caused everyone to look at Peter who blushed bright red. Flash only gave him a stare. 

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