Phone call in class

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'When you're on a team with the hulk and thor,                                                                                                        And we're all up there on that movie screen,                                                                                                            Will the people believe I'm not quite as tough,                                                                                                        Will anyone ever notice me? '

Fumbling Peter got out his phone to silence it, however Mr Harrington told him that he should have silenced his phone before class and told him to answer and put it on speaker phone. He was going to kill clint later when he got home. The whole class around him was snickering. 

"Hi clint what ever you say my whole class can hear it. So what do you want considering that you think it is important to call me when I'm at school." Peter asked. "I'm going away  tomorrow and I need you to pick up nate and babysit him for a few hours till I get back and lilia and Cooper  are on a trip, everyone is busy and Laura is out of town. Please I'll pay you a hundred quid" "okay" "also cap and Tony wanted to ask what you want it's between Thai and Chinese" "thai I have to go cause I'm in the classroom bye"

Peter went to hand his phone to the teacher and say back down. The rest of the lesson went by smoothly. At the end the teacher told him to off his phone in order to avoid any embarrassment. 

This one is short cause I have been meaning to do it but I kinda got stuck so that is why it sucks. 

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