Chapter 15

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Third person POV:

Y/n walked out of the lab angrily, slamming the door behind her. She went straight to the training room to take out some of her anger before she killed someone. "Oh god, please still work..." she mumbled to herself hoping her powers were still ok as the readings said.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y activate triangle level 10." She called out to the AI.

"Train level 10 activating. Would you prefer robots, holograms or an obstacle course?" F.R.I.D.A.Y asked.

"Give me the robots and holograms." Y/n cracked her neck preparing herself.

"Activating all protocols for level 10."

A robot appeared in front of her. It lunged towards her, but y/n swiped her hand simply and the entire robot burst into a million pieces. A laser was sent to y/n, but she felt it coming, and ducked out of the lasers path. Another three lasers were sent her way and she continued to dodge them all.

And new robot appeared in front of y/n. "You know what? Using my telekinesis on this thing will be way too easy." She sighed and decided against using it. So y/n lunged forward toward the robot and punched it with all her strength, sending it across the room to a wall.

But then a second robot appeared behind her and she didn't see it coming. It punched her across the room to the previous robot. Y/n groaned as she stood up again, "ok, yeah that hurt." She ran to the robot and flip kicked it over. The two robots advanced towards her at once. Y/n created a portal underneath one of them and it fell through. A few seconds later it came crashing down onto the second robot. Y/n jumped up in the air and came down onto the robots, smashing them with her strength.

"Well that's one way to blow off some steam I guess." Y/n sighed sadly, "F.R.I.D.A.Y, deactivate training level 10."

"Done." The AI stated as The fall opened up and the robot fragments fell through. "Miss y/n, Mr. Stark would like to see you."

"Why? What does he want?" Y/n sighed annoyed.

"It is unknown to me currently." F.R.I.D.A.Y, reported.

"Ok. Fine. I'll be there soon." Y/n sighed as she walked out of the training room, she took her hood and buff off from covering her face as she walked.

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Tony's POV

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I saw y/n enter the room with a blank expression. "Hey, are you feeling any better?" I asked trying to silently say I'm sorry for what happened. I still think it's all my fault. What am I saying of course it's my fault.

"Hello Tony. What can a help you with?" Y/n asked quietly.

"Nothing. I was just calling you to tell you that I just received a call from the hospital.

"What? Why did the hospital call you?" She asked me confused, and I just remembered that I hadn't told her yet.

"Oh yeah. About that, you see, keeping people in a coma when they can't pay is not really the hospitals policy, so I am funding for your care. I gave them my number to give me updates on your condition." I told her.

"Oh... well thank you then. For you know... everything..." y/n said quietly.

"Please don't thank me for anything." I said as the slow excruciating buzz of guilt flowed through my brain. Y/n shook her head smiling.

"It's not your fault Tony. You were trying to help me. In case you forgot, I can read your thoughts. There is not one single thought in your mind that says you meant to hurt me. And considering that the average human has 600,000 thoughts per second, I believe that you meant all good intentions Tony. So thank you for everything. And I am not taking that back." I smiled gratefully and y/n and I felt a little tinge of the guilt vanish but there still was some there. "Anyway, what did the hospital say?"

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