Chapter 17

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"NOO!!" I cried as I ran out to her, "Y/N!" I knelt to the ground next to her panting rapidly, "Hey y/n come on open your eyes." I begged as my chest clenched and I felt my mind flush with worry, "Y/n please." I croaked.

She did it. She used her pulse. She could die! Y/n please don't die on me please! I looked around to try and find agent 42 but I could see him anywhere. Did she do it? Did she kill 42? I continued to look around but all I could see was purple smoke on a burnt landscape. I picked y/n up in my arms and cuddled her limp body. I put my forehead on hers.

"Please wake up." I wispered. I felt her stir in my arms and my heart lept, "Y/n! Are you ok?" Her eyes fluttered open. I put her down and hugged her, "Oh your ok! Thank god!" I pulled out of the hug and cupped y/n's cheek.

Y/n's happy expression turned to one of confusion, "Wait." She stood up, "Where's 42?"

"I don't know." I answered as I stood up beside her. She looked around at all the burnt trees and the purple smoke.

"I did all this?..." She gulped and looked at me with concern in her eyes. I nodded, "Damn..." She looked around again, "Wait. 42 should have just disappeared." She shook her head, "He must have escaped."

"How do you know?" I thought he died in the explosion but did he survive?

"Because there would be a silloett."

"Huh?" I was confused. Y/n pointed to where I was when I woke up and the was a small green patch. I stared at it and y/n elaborated.

"The if he died at close range it would have been like the holecost. There would be a small patch left where he was but there isn't. He got away." She huffed. Damn it. Y/n almost died doing that and he got away. I rubbed my forehead, "I know Peter." Y/n read my thoughts, "But we did get out of that situation. We just need to find him and then we can get him."

"But how are suppose to kill him y/n! If you do that pulse again, you will die! You could have died just then! You cannot do that again!" My breath hitched as my chest felt like it was being crushed into nothing.

"I might have to Peter." Y/n cupped my cheek but I pulled her hand away from it.

"No there will be another way." I shook my head.


"No. Y/n agent 42 may have a formula like you, but remember that even you aren't bulletproof." I pointed out and y/n looked down at the ground.

"I get what you're saying ok? I do. But please just... please except that it may come down to that..."

"It is our last resort. Ok?" I surrendered. Y/n nodded.

"We need to find 42. Where would he have gone?..." Y/n asked. We both stayed silent, "AH!" Y/n screamed and fell to her knees.

"What is it!? Are you ok?" I freaked out. Y/n was hold her arm. Blood was dripping down it, "Y/n!" I pulled her hand away and saw red cuts leaking blood down her arm. There were spelling out a word.


Tears were slowly streaming down y/n cheeks. The wounds were deep and blood was pouring out of them. My breath hitched as I quickly shot a web at the ground and layered it to be a thick strip. I picked it up and stretched it out . I wrapped it around y/n's arm delicately as a bandage to stop the the bleeding.

"Did that help at all? Are you ok?" I asked softly eventhough I was panicking on the inside. Y/n screwed up her face tightly but nodded. She shakily tried to stand but I lightly grabbed her other arm and help her to stand, "How did he do that?"

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