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It was lunch time and the girls were talking but Taeli brought up Yoonji and the player. "He is not a player!!, and nothing. I guess we are just friends...I dont know we just talk but when we got drinks you guys were with your boyfriends~" Namju blushed and Taeli giggled. She was about to say something until she was caught off. "Hey Taeli, im here so please help me with math." he flashed his bunny smile and Taeli was wide eyed but nodded. Her friends were giggling in the background but left the library to go get some lunch. 

They went to the lunch line and were deciding on what to  eat. "I think im gonna get pizza and then a pizza." yoonji was still deciding but was just gonna get a yogurt like she always does, they yogurt had fruit and granola.   When it was there turn to order a boy pushed them making namju fall and Yoonji almost falling on her. The boy was the same one that was grabbing Yoonji legs in the pool. "Hey asshole you pushed my friend and cut  in front of us!" the boy  just ignored her and ordered his food.  Yoonji helped Namju up from the floor (yes she was still on the floor because she was lazy to get up lol me) they ordered but,,,,,THEY RAN OUT OF YOGURT!! yoonji was pissed because the boy who cut them got the last one. They both walked to a table and ate their food while talking. "Here." The two girls looked up and it was that boy who got the last yogurt . "...thanks"  yoonji grabbed the yogurt and smiled at him. 

Jimin POV

I was eating with my  friends, we always sat at the table in the middle. All of the girls came to us wanting us to take their v-card.  We weren't that type of boys, we respected people and their opinions and not bully people. Anyways Jin said a lame dad joke and  Jungkook was saying how he had lame jokes and things like that. I was not paying attention to them and saw Yoonji doing the cutest pout ever. I over heard Jackson's group talk about how Bam Bam took the last yogurt and she wanted it.  I was getting up ready to cheer her up but then I saw Bam Bam giving her the yogurt, and her smiling at it thanking him.  I felt weird, I was the only one that could make her smile. Well what he has seem she is very quiet, shy , and straight foward. I only see her smile with her friends but I have made her smile and blush a few times. GET ON MY LEVEL BAM BAM. 

Third person POV 

Namju was walking to pe  when she felt someone bumping into her. "Seriously!" Namju fell again but soon saw a hand in front of her face. She looked up and saw a boy, not the handsome boy but he was cute. She took his hand and smiled at him, he returned the smile. Namju noticed that they were still holding hands, she blushed and was confused.  "Hey Ju Ju, you should get to class."she jumped a little when the handsome boy  took a hold of her waist.  "Jin can you let me go, I have pe." He looked at her and kissed her cheek. "Ok baby." Once Namju was out of sight he eyed Jackson, "Stay away from her" and with that he left. 

What Jin did not know was that Jackson also had pe. The bell rang and the kids got out of the dressing room to go to the pool. Namju had a one piece bathing suit that was white, it did not show her curves but if she jumped or did something of to much movement then her swimsuit would fall since you have to tie it. Namju was aware of this and tied it two times, sometimes even four. She went into the pool house and was listening to the teacher. Today was free time so she got into the pool humming to herself.  She saw that cute boy swim up to her. "Hey i'm Jackson and you cutie?"  she looked at him in a confused expression, "Um hi, i'm Namju."  they talked a bit and then one of Jackson's friends call him. "Hey come swim with us." She nodded and with them.  They were very wild, Jackson would always pick her up and drop her into the water. Namju would just laugh and enjoy the boy company. Well not until her swimsuit fell out from the top showing her boobs a little. Jackson smirked at this "Aww wanna show me your nice boobs?" Namju widened her eyes and got out of the pool but her bottom piece was falling a little bit showing one of her ass cheeks. "Slut come back!" she heard one of his friends say. 

She went to the restroom and started crying while tying her swimsuit back. She checked the time on the clock near the restroom.  20 more minutes until the bell rang to go to the next class. why does time take so long. why do boys have to be like that. why did they call me a slut. All  of these things going inside her head. She got out of the restroom and saw the social studies classes from across.  She knew that the handsome boy had Social Studies, she was not stalking but Yoonji had that class with him. She looked at his class and saw the door open, it was him, the handsome boy. "Hey baby, whats wrong?" Namju started crying again making Jin hold her and let her cry. "what happened baby? Tell me?" Namju told him and he listened to her and telling her that she is not a slut and a very beautiful girl. 

They both went to the girls restroom to fix her swimsuit and tie it more secure. She unfolded it to much making the top fall to the ground which meant Jin saw her boobs. Both of them blushed Namju covered her arms with her arms. Jin grabbed the top and was about to tie it on her but then Namju took off her hands from their position making him very flustered. "I-i dont  like my boobs...can you make them pretty?" Jin knew what she meant. He nodded and started kissing her neck all the way down to her chest making purple marks on them "Thanks...mmm" she barely could get that sentence out with all of the biting and sucking happening to her..  She made certain noises that she did not even know she could make. Jin was grunting and was hard, he sat her down on the restroom counter where the sinks were. 

Yes they barely went one one date but they text every night and they knew they had feelings for each other and did not want to date just yet but they were comfortable with each other. Their friends did not notice but all the time in after school they would go to the library and just talk and acted like a couple. They Namju would go with her friends if they planned something later.

After Jin made a few more marks he kissed her and went to his class (he tied her top) she then look at the clock 10 more minutes till the bell rang. She went to the swimming pool and just swam. "Hey what is that?" She looked at Jackson and saw what he was pointing at, Jin accidentally made a mark on her neck.  Namju eyes widened and said she burned herself and put make up on it but then she went into the pool the make up washed away. 


Namju  went into the bus, she was by herself because the other girls were at the boba shop and she did not feel like having boba. She walked off the bus and went inside her house. She covered her neck but then her mom called her into the kitchen and her brother was in there.  She looked at both of them. Her mom signaled her to come sit with he when she made it to the chair her mom grabbed her hand making the mark visible.  Her brother yelled at her but her mom was calm. "No I was not having sex, he just did it." Her mom nodded but asked her where else and she pointed to her breast while blushing at the memory of it. Her brother was mad at it but her mom was telling him to calm down because she did not have sex and the boy was very friendly and did not seem to be a boy to break her heart. She sighed and her mom told her she could go to her room. "thanks for being chill about this situation.

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