The plan

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* picture of Jungkook*



When I got to school I was already looking for Jayden and when I found him Hansler was right behind me for some reason. I didn't know but I knew when he grabbed my arm and pulled me away from Jayden. "You shouldn't hang with a little gay boy like my brother."

"And why's that exactly?"

"'Cuz people would think y' all a thing and that's not right 'cuz you not gay right? ' Cuz, if you were talking to you right now, could ruin me and my rep"

"Ok and if I was not saying that I am what's in it for you if I'm not?"

"Then you can be in my crew but for that to happen you would have to ditch my brother"

"Yeah sorry, Hansler but that's not gonna happen I'm not just gonna ditch Jayden to join a stupid crew that doesn't tolerate gay people. Plus you don't even know me."

"Yeah, I kinda do my brother would not shut up about you yesterday and I wouldn't go around talking about BTS 'cuz that's gay as fuck so no saying anything about that"

" Well then guess you don't want me in your so-called 'crew'"

"Well, why's that? You seem cool"

"Well let me see 1st: BTS is all I talk about and 2nd: I am gay so ya" Hansler got confused really fast.

"So you're telling me that your gay you don't dress or act gay, so how could you be gay?"

"Well let me see, I like dick and love BTS and k-pop what more do you need?"

"Well, all I can tell you is you can still join my crew just don't tell no one your gay and we can be chill and before you ask you can still hang out with my brother just don't go and date him, ok?"

"Ok, whatever bye Hansler"

"Bye J-DOG!" I looked back like what the absolute fuck so he explained: "I do it to all my friends don't worry." I thought 'OK whatever that's kinda weird' but I quickly disregarded that and walked away. When I went back to Jayden he had an unsettling look on his face when I reached him the first thing he said was "Well what the fuck was that all about?"

"Well to sum it up me and Hansler buddies (i don't know what else to say) and I'm in his 'crew'-" He cut me off mid-sentence how rude

"What do you mean you're in his 'crew'!!!! You know that means that you cant and out with me right!?!?!?! Wait does he know your gay??????"

"if you let me finish what I was saying I can still hang out with and be in his 'crew'; he knows I'm gay and he said he's cool with it just don't let the rest of the 'crew' know and I'll be fine so chill man."

"Yo! J-DOG come over here come meet the rest of the crew!"

"Here I come, man, see ya Jayden"

"Ya see ya, never" I didn't hear what he said so I left it alone and went over to Hansler or as his 'crew' calls him H-DOG but I'll just call him Hansler so when I got over there I was introduced to everyone the was Jorden is known as double J, Sam known as S-man, Tae knowen as TaeTae, Jung known as Kookie for some reason I don't know why tho I'll have to ask later, and Jimin is known as J-man and then me known as J-DOG kinda uncomfortable but whatever, I'll tell him later. So in class I went to sit by Jayden and the got called over by H-DOG and so I told him I'll see him later, I didn't even know these guys were in this class so I was kinda surprised but I'm cool about it so it doesn't matter it's nice to know that I have some other friends in this class- even if they are a royal pain in the ass- I guess you can say they are friends but I doubt it. From what I discovered I have TaeTae, Kookie, and H-DOG in this class and I have to sit with them every day. Also, something I discovered is that Kookie is Jungkook from BTS and so is Tae and Jimin *I'll enter a picture of him next chapter and one of Jimin in the one after that* after school I had to talk to Jayden because I had a plan for us to hang out I mean it's Friday so the plan could work if Hansler didn't find out.

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