New plan time

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*Picture of Tae* *Theses are not important to this story just needed to show the beautiful boys*

To my most surprise, the person who pushed me back was, Hansler?!?!?! What does he want now I don't need this. Before I could snap out of my thoughts I felt a pair of lips hit my lips, and without thinking I kissed back. He pushed me up against the door and locked it, just in case. He pulled me up to him ('cuz ya know I'm a short bitch) and he put me on the counter, all while we were still kissing. But he pulled back before things could get any more heated and I was really upset that he did, I wanted things to go further but he didn't, I guess. I could still feel the warmth of his lips on mine and I missed it. We went back to the room and Jayden and Kookie were looking at us I was terrified and without thinking I went to hide behind Hansler. All that made them do was get a weird expression. I don't know what came over to me but after I saw their expressions I ran out of the house and went home, lucky for me my mom wasn't home, so I ran to my room and cried. When I got done crying I got a text from a very worried Jayden, Hansler and Kookie. I responded to each one with a simple I'm fine and left it at that. I was sulking for the rest of the weekend and didn't respond to anyone's texts calls and didn't want to see anyone. My mom understood what I wanted and left me alone. That was the best and worst day of my life by far.



Basically, no one wants to go to school on a Monday but, me more than most. Monday means I have to face the people I have been avoiding all weekend and try not to be seen by them. Which seems almost impossible right, not if you have a plan. I'm going to hide the best I can and try to avoid them without them noticing. I'm hoping this plan works and doesn't get me an ass beating but I doubt any of them would hit me, right? This time I'm sure this plan will work, I still remember what happened last time I tried something like this, let's just say I still have marks on me from the last time I did something like this. Hopefully, this doesn't end that way. I got to school and I felt like all eyes were on me I mean why not the kid who looked extremely hot on their first day now looks like complete ass (look up Tik Tok e-boy outfits and that what he wore). I mean I don't look that bad I somewhat decent so no one can complain. Just as I'm trying to get to my locker I see someone I don't want to see Jayden, fuck, this is just my luck he's walking to my locker I don't think he's seen me yet but Hansler has and he pulled me aside to talk I guess. "Why did you run out of my house like that on Saturday?"

"I don't know, I didn't know what to think or do, I mean you did kiss me out of nowhere so what did you expect me to do?"

"Well not run away like that they didn't know anything and they wouldn't have if you didn't run away, but now they know that we kissed."

"Well, I'm sorry that I know my sexuality and you don't if we are being completely honest here you put me quite the awkward situation. Jayden is my best friend I was going to tell him eventually and I didn't know if you would have wanted me to. So I did what I thought was best so I ran, ok?"

"Oh, now I know that also for your information I do know my sexuality, I'm bi, just so you know my brother didn't know that but now and since I met you I knew that. Now, tell me why you look like a fuck boy please?"

"I thought I looked fine today don't you think?"

"No not at all you look so bad, but if I do say so myself you look nice in black."

"Oh, do I. Guess I'll wear black more often, huh?"

"Let's go, my brother thinks I kidnapped you!" After that, we left to my locker and Jayden was still there waiting. When he saw use he relaxed a lot he was really tense for some reason. I noticed that Hansler and Jayden gave each other knowing nods but didn't address it, I didn't think I was supposed to. Jayden shot me a worried glance as I started to get a little off balance the last thing I remember is the hall spinning and my head hitting something hard. I woke up in the nurses' office. I got worried until I heard Jayden and Hansler's voice I decided to keep my eyes closed to see what they were talking about, to my surprise they were talking about me. So I just erased the conversation away from my mind. I acted as if I just woke up and when I did I was greeted with two boys with really worried looks on their face. Hansler was the first to look at me then Jayden I could tell they were worried. I asked the first question that came to mind "How long have I been out?"

"Like an hour. Dude are you ok?" 

"Yeah, Hansler I'm fine don't worry about it I just didn't eat breakfast."

"What the hell, that's a lie and you know it so tells me what really happened now!" I decided not to hold back the truth anymore and told the somewhat truth. "Well, ever since you know, the kiss, I've been feeling dizzy a lot more and I pass out a lot just ask my mom. I think it's because for a whole weekend I didn't eat any solid food. I only drank smoothies and nothing else, and that's what's wrong. Is that good enough?"

"James, you know we are just worried about you and we want the best for you so if you don't want to talk about it you can just say so, you don't have to get all pissy on us, ok?"

"Yeah, your right Jayden I'm sorry guys I shouldn't have snapped like that." They said they understood why I did and that it meant no harm so we left and they took me home. My mom was home but I told her we all were sent home because something happened at school she said ok and left it at that. They stayed the night at my house and we all agreed to not go to school the next day so I could have a mental health day and them to I guess. When we were in my room we watched movies and the whole time Hansler was trying to grab me if you know what I mean. For that reason, I said that Jayden had to leave he asked why all I did was look at Hansler and he knew so he left I went to see him off even though he lives next door. When I went back to my room I saw Hansler going through my stuff he was getting to my secret drawer thankfully I had that locked up with a key I keep around my neck I knock on the door to get his attention I think I scared him. He turned around like he had been caught doing something he wasn't supposed to be doing. "So are we like dating or something? 'Cuz during the movie you kept trying to grab my thing."

"I mean, yeah if you want, but we have to keep it a secret tho 'cuz ya know my gotta keep my rep on point."

"Yeah, same here. You do know in order to make it known that we aren't single we have to make up a fake story right?"

"Yeah."  We came up with the idea that we could say we are dating twin sisters that I know. It was a pretty good idea so we left it at that and moved on. After like 10 hours of talking and other stuff but it was like 12 so he decided it was time for him to leave and go home. My mom was sleep, so we had to sneak him out so I didn't get in trouble well to be honest if my mom caught us she would just say he should just stay the night. I told him he could come back and stay the night he said he would ask 'cuz his dad was still up doing some paperwork for the school. If he couldn't come I told him to text me so we wouldn't wake up my mom she needs her sleep 'cuz according to her she needs her beauty sleep so she 'can find a new sugar daddy' which is really uncomfortable for me to hear. To be exact this is really bad because I'm going behind my best friends back but I mean Jungkook and Tae are going behind Hansler's back also, the only way I know this is because of Tae he blabbed to me when we're talking and then that came out. But I'm going to try to keep this thing between me and Hansler a secret from everyone expect from TaeTae and Kookie 'cuz I know they are secretly dating I don't know if I should tell Hansler but I'll ask TaeTae if I can I'll- I was cut out of my thoughts by a text on my phone it was from Jayden.

*Jayden=JayJay James=Jams*

JayJay: So why is my brother staying the rest of the night at ur house and not me I thought I was ur BSF?

Jams: I really want to tell u but I don't know if I should sry. Y would u ever doubt ur place in my friend ranking?

JayJay: What do u mean u don't know if u should tell me or not?

JayJay: Wait u and my brother are dating?!?!?!

Jams: Who told u that?

JayJay: Who else would

Jams: Oh ok then but for real don't tell a soul plz

JayJay: Don't worry ur secret is safe with me 

Jams: Thx man

*end of the text conversation*

Just as I ended the conversation with Jayden Hansler was in my room( I left the door unlocked for him just in case) he was just watching me that's weird but whatever. When I got off my phone we started a new movie called "Call me by your name"  it's a really good movie and super gay. When that movie was done I was really tired so we went to sleep.

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