Knight in Under Armor: Tom Fluff

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Warning: Violence

-Tom's POV-

Another yawn. God, it's only nine at night but my whole body is ready to shut down. I suppose I needed a bit more than just one night of rest to get rid of my jet lag this time around. I can't stay awake too much longer, I hope everyone forgives me for leaving early.

After giving a round of good byes I finally leave the pub placing the thin jacket on. I'm incredibly thankful that spring has warmed the streets of London so far. As much as I like the chill air of winter, warmth is always appreciated. I check my phone for any texts or emails before I run into a body. I stumble a bit before looking up, realizing I just smacked straight into a young man and his friends. How embarrassing!

"I'm terribly sorry! That's completely my fault! I should take better care of watching where I'm going!" Oh dear, you've done it again, Tom.

"It's alright mate. My fault entirely. After all, we wouldn't want you and your fancy clothes to be dirtied, right?" He puts on a malicious grin before he and his friends start to surround me and move me towards the alley way. I'm wide awake as my body starts to react to the situation, trying to think of a way to get out of this mess.

"Eh, listen, gentlemen. We don't have to do this, if it's notes that you are after I have a few I can just give you. There is no reason for violence."

"That's good. Give up the wallet, phone, and that nice piece on your wrist there. No violence necessary." One of the boys brings out a knife from his side pocket, and god knows what the other two are carrying. My hands shake intensely as I pull out the listed items, but as I pull off my watch, it slips from my hands and bounces by their feet.

"Definitely a clumsy one. Go ahead and pick it up!" The leader swings his fist landing in my gut, immediately dropping me to my knees. I try to remember how to breathe through this type of pain, but god my head is swimming. I just need to get through this in one piece.

All of a sudden, their laughter goes silent as I hear a sharp crack and a howl of pain. The one with the knife flies into the wall beside me as the other two turn suddenly facing a hooded figure. Their attacker uses their momentum to swing some sort of blunt object at the leader, catching him in the ribs. Immediately the fighter takes their elbow down sharply to the back of the leader's neck as their knee high kicks up to crunch the boy's head and neck in between the two. The third mugger rushes the new person which rewards them with a swift palm to the nose, a jab to the front of the throat, and a knee to the groin which causes him to fall as well. The first regains his senses and rushes from behind, holding out his knife. Oh god!


The fighter spins just missing the attack, dropping their make-shift weapon. The mugger with the knife swipes, then swings, hitting the fighter in the face with a left hook. They spin, only to swivel to one knee before bringing up both hands and spraying something at the mugger. Immediately, a red foam substance starts to build on the assailants face, causing him to drop the knife and wipe his face furiously. The fighter stands back up and punches him back right in the gut. They then move behind him and kick him into the pile of recovering muggers, causing all three to lose their breath on the ground.

I was completely caught up in the fight that I didn't even realize my rescuer's hood had slipped, revealing a woman heavily breathing with multiple piercings on her ear. I sat up against the wall just waiting to see what she would do now that the group was indisposed. She takes a few deep breaths before calmly reaching down on the ground for my wallet, phone, and the watch that was just a few meters in front of me. As she looks at me, I see the bruise starting to form on her cheek, and the cut that she sustained on her left arm, but she doesn't even seem phased by it.

"Umm, these are yours?" She thrusts my belongings down towards me, pursing her lips waiting for me. She's... uncomfortable?

"Uhh, yes. Thank you." I take my things before attempting to stand up, only to feel pain shoot through me. I would have fallen if it weren't for my rescuer holding me up by my side. Her eyes are wide as she looks over me, putting one of my arms over her shoulders and her arm around my lower back.

"Let me walk you out, yeah? Maybe find a bench or something to sit down on?" I'm worried that she can't take my weight, but as we continue to walk, I gather that she could probably carry me if she had to. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, but after the last few minutes I'm not in the right frame of mind. She moves us to a bench a block or two away before gently sitting me down and taking a seat beside me. The silent tension starts to grow before I realize that she isn't looking at me. Is she a fan?

"Thank you, thank you for saving me back there. I wasn't sure if I was going to be alright or not. I should have joined you and made it an even fight, not sitting on the ground like a tit."

"It's alright. He hit you in the diaphragm, it's not something you just get up from, you know?" She keeps looking at her hands as she is hunched over, not looking at me at all. Why is she so nervous?

"I'm Tom, by the way. Tom Hiddleston. Who might you be?" I move my hand out, intending to shake hers, but she looks at my hand and looks up to me for a beat.

"Oh, uh, Y/n, Y/f/n. Nice to meet you." She strongly grasps my hand before quickly pulling away. She has to know who I am, why else would she be acting so strange?

"Listen, Y/n, do I make you nervous? I hope not, I would really like to get to know who my knight in shining armor is. I truly owe you." She clasps her hands together before glancing over to me. I'm taken aback by how she looks both shy and fierce.

"Sorry. I'm not very good with small talk, or just talking in general. And, I'm not exactly in shining armor either, unless you count Under Armor as shiny," she chuckles as I notice her running attire. She must have been on a jog before this mess occurred.

"I'm so sorry for ruining your run. Let me make it up to you with a coffee or maybe something to eat? It's honestly the least I can do to repay you. Please allow me to do this for you?" I lick my lip waiting for her answer. It's hard for me to believe that this woman was confidently able to take down three grown men, but hesitates for coffee. She is certainly intriguing.

"Only if you want to. I'm sure you were heading home or something before this. It's cool if you just want to go home and forget what happened and stuff."

"Nonsense! If you'll join me, I would love to have coffee with you!" I stand up wincing at my still injured gut before she stands up as well, gently steadying me by my arm and hand. Y/n feels warm on this chill night, warm and pleasant. We share eye contact briefly before she realizes how close we are and pulls away.

"Coffee sounds nice, actually," Y/n smiles up at me and I share one in return before holding my arm out to her. She gingerly takes it as we begin to walk, not putting too much weight on me. I shake my head, smiling down at where our arms are connected. She's so different from anyone else that I have ever met, and I hope that she wants to stay close. Perhaps, if I am lucky enough, or convincing enough, I can learn more about my own personal knight. We walk down the dark, London streets enjoying the new friend we have both made.

*Author's Note:

I just read an article about a self-defense tool is legal to carry in both the UK and in the United States called Farbgel or Stoppared. Instead of hurting the assailant like pepper spray, it sprays a bright red, staining gel that is difficult to wipe a way quickly allowing the victim time to run away. It also stains the assailant a bright red for days, allowing officials and other know that it's highly probable that this person tried to hurt someone in the past few days, even weeks.  Stay safe out there readers!

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