Bribes and Blackmail (Loki Fluff)

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"I'm not even mad. I'm so impressed, I'm speechless." Tony commented to Steve as they looked up to the now open ventilation shaft fifty feet up in the air. There was no sign that the air ducts had been breached other than the excited chatter coming from y/n and Clint echoing out.

"Tony, they need to get down. They could get hurt or hurt the ventilation. Doesn't the compound have measures to prevent people from being up there without approval?" Steve knew that you and Clint were more than able to take care of yourselves, but he didn't want to take the chance.

"You would think so, but having a spy and an aerialist combo changes things I guess." Tony attempted to find any signs as to how the pair made it up that high, but couldn't find any physical marks or equipment. Steve, on the other hand, crossed his arms and sighed in exasperation before calling up.

"Clint, y/n, it's time for you guys to head back down. We don't want you two to get hurt."

"No way! This place is great!" You shot back.

"Check it out, y/n! We can see into other people's rooms from up here!" Clint shouted from further into the vents.

"You guys, you both need to come down or we will have to come get you!" Steve's threat only had annoyance behind it. He really didn't want to try and pull them out with him on a ladder.

"Go ahead and try! We'll fight you both off! Won't we, Clint?!" Your echoes made you sound funny as you denied Cap's order. Steve pinched his nose and tilted his head towards the floor.

"I can't believe that she is going to make me do this." Cap mumbled before looking back up to the open vent, "FRIDAY?"

"Yes, Captain Rogers?"

"Will you please have Loki head over here? Tell him that we need help with a matter about his girlfriend immediately. Thank you."

"Right away, sir."

"Bringing in the big gun already, huh?" Tony crossed his arms, smirking at his friend. While Tony didn't have any issues with the reforming Asgardian, he know that Cap still had trouble trusting or dealing with him.

"I really don't have the patience today to deal with this. If anyone can just convince y/n to get down it's going to be him." Steve replied with a defeated sigh. How he was the responsible one in this situation was beyond him.

Minutes passed before the sliding doors indicated a new arrival to the room. Loki strutted in with his all black suit adjusting his cufflinks before looking at the two Midgardians.

"I have been summoned?" He mocked, placing his hands into his pockets smugly. Right then a loud ruckus of laughter escaped the open vent, catching Loki's attention for the first time. He would recognize your laughter from anywhere, and judging by the intensity, you were having a great time.

"Please get y/n out of there, she is going to hurt herself." Steve pleaded. Loki shook his head in amusement before approaching the wall.

"Y/n, darling, can you hear me from in there?" The banging and giggling stopped at Loki's calm words before a head popped out into open view. Loki smiled seeing your dirty face glowing with joy at your little adventure.

"Hey, sweetie! You should join us up here! We are finding so many places we could prank all around the compound!" You gave him a megawatt smile that caused Loki to melt just a bit.

"That is alright, beloved. Are you safe though? There's no danger up there is there?"

"Nope! Just a whole lot of fun! Tony really designed these vents sturdy!" You beamed.

Tom Hiddleston/Loki OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now