Chapter 2

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Primrose POV

The month of June passed slowly, too slowly in my opinion. 

Aunt Petunia made me polish and vacuum the floors almost everyday. Along with tending to the yard, she had me clean out the gutters, scrub the bathroom, wash the car, do the laundry, and remove any dirt and dust from dishes, pictures, light fixtures, or anything else that could collect dust, and make dinner. Only if I completed all those tasks was I allowed dinner, which was only an old stale piece of bread and a bottle of water. 

No mater how much I didn't want to be placed in Slytherin in my first year "Thank you for Gryffindor Sorting Hat"  I am glad that I do have Slytherin traits because without them I don't know if I would survive the summers with the Dursley's. At night when I hear Vernon snoring like a wild boar, I sneak downstairs into the kitchen and grab some extra food to hide for when they don't feed me.

The day is a lot more tolerable because Uncle Vernon is out at work. Aunt Petunia tries to stay as far away from me as she possible can, and Dudley is always out with his friends. 

But the moment Vernon steps through the door I everything gets so much worse. 

"Girl, why are you still washing the floors when dinner is supposed to be ready by the time I  get home?" He screeched in my face

"Because, the list was extra long today and I THOUGHT you wouldn't mind having dinner be a few minutes later then usual if it meant your house would be as shiny as your forehead when you go for a mid-day walk." I snapped back at him

Any and all movement stopped after what I said. Vernon was looking at me like I just started telling magical stories, he was ready to explode. While Petunia and Dudley were looking on impassively, although Dudley looked as if he was forcing back a smirk.

It took me a moment to register what was happening but by the time I did it was to late a giant beefy hand swept across my face filling the room with a resounding smack and a second later a hard plop was heard as a result of me falling on to the still wet kitchen floor.

I looked up at him as he started saying "Listen here, don't get cheeky with me. We give you food, clothes, and a room. While also letting you go off to that school for freaks, you should be grateful that we even let you live here when we would much rather kick you to the curb. But no we allow you to live here and all we have you do is do a little cleaning, and cook one meal a day. You can't even do that properly. You're just like your parents arrogant, ungracious, little brats that don't know when to shut their traps and let their betters speak." He said slowly getting louder as he progressed.

Without saying anything I stood up glared at all of them (with what Remus and Sirius call Lily's signature stare) and walked upstairs to my room, slammed the door, sat down at my desk and wrote a letter addressed to the Weasley's telling them I could come over for school supply shopping and to watch the Quidditch World Cup. I also wrote a letter to both Sirius and Remus telling them how much I hate it here and can't wait to get back to Hogwarts. After I signed the last letter I sent them off with Hedwig hopping to get a reply from one of the three.

Time Skip 

Two weeks has passed with no reply from anyone and I was starting to get worried because what if it was a mistake to owl Sirius and Remus, "what if they didn't actually want to hear from me like they said? What if Ron changed his mind and doesn't want me to go to the World Cup with his family? What If he doesn't want to be my friend anymore? Maybe his family was taking pity on me for being the poor lonely orphaned girl?" 

I could feel myself starting to have a panic attack and forced myself to calm down before it got worse "Everything is alright Ms. Potter, close your eyes and breath" I recall McGonagall's words from last winter when she found me behind one of the tapestries in the same situation. She brought me into her office and told me how my father used to have panic attacks and would go to the same place she found me in. My father, I looked up and saw the muggle photo of him my mother took. Thinking of him is the easiest way for me to calm down but I also the saddest. While I loved both my parents I know I would have had a closer relationship with him.     

When I finally calmed down I realized I was just over reacting, Sirius and Remus are probably just busy and the Weasleys are probably just trying to figure out when is the best timer me to come to the burrow and will owl when they have everything all figured out.

About an hour later Erol comes flying though my window and crashes on to my desk with a letter attached to his leg. I untie it and give him a few treats before returning my attention back to the letter. I open it up and start reading.

Dear Jamie,

Mum and Dad said that they are happy for you to come and that we can come and get you at the end of the week on Thursday, sometime around 2 in the afternoon.


P.S. The family says hi and Ginny says she can't wait for you to get here

After reading the letter I let a small grin make its way across my face at the prospect of seeing my friends and getting out of this hell hole. It slowly starts to fade when I remember that since the Dursley's and I have been each other that I never told them about leaving to go and with the Weasley's for the last two weeks of summer. I shrug not really caring and knowing that getting all my stuff from under the stairs will be easy since I learned to cast Alohomora wand-less and wand-less spells can't be traced by the ministry.  

On Wednesday night I sneak down to the cupboard and unlock it. Slowly I take my stuff out trying not to make to much noise knowing that if I get caught I'll be in big trouble and I don't want any more bruises. About a week ago when Vernon came home he beat me because I refused to do any work that day. Those bruises just finished healing, my back is still a little raw but will be better by the time I'm on the Hogwarts Express. After I finish gathering all my stuff I bring it back upstairs making sure to be careful to not make too much noise. 

Time Skip

When Thursday rolls around I am practically jumping with joy, of course I keep it all inside so that I don't give anything away. It gets even better when Vernon tells me "We are leaving now so when we return this house better be spotless and dinner must be ready."

I have no idea where they are going but I don't care, I am just so happy that they are leaving and I won't have to argue with him about going to the Weasley's, that I can't hold it in any longer and big grin splits across my face. I drop it as quickly as possible hoping no one saw it but luck is not on my side.

The moment my face goes back to being blank Vernon asks "Why are you smiling? What are you going to do? You better not blow up my house." He says in a threatening tone of voice. 

I glare at him and he reaches out and grips my arm pulling me closer so that his face is right next to mine. He squeezes my arm tighter making my want to scream out in pain but not letting him get the satisfaction in getting an answer. But then he squeezes a bit more and I can't take it anymore so I say "My friends are coming here to get me so I can stay with them for the rest of the summer." He pulls away at a speed I didn't know a man of his size could, and slaps me across the face, hard, and I know a bruise will appear by tomorrow morning.

He scowls at me but leaves. After that I let out a sigh of relief when I hear the car leave. 

Happiness once again floods me, even though at a lesser level, when I hear the familiar voice of Fred and George Weasley coming from the living room. Rushing to that room I find the twins, Mr. Weasley, and Ron all looking around as if in some other dimension. When they were all looking away from me I snuck up behind George and jumped on his back, making him scream and jump causing everyone else to turn around and start laughing.

"Bloody hell Rosie, no need to give me a heart attack." Exclaimed George

"So sorry Georgie, next time I'll jump on Freddy." I stated before breaking out into giggles

Everyone started laughing after that and when we all calmed Mr. Weasley told the twins to help me with my trunk. When we got everything we left for the Burrow.

Author's Note

I WILL NOT be going through the books to make sure all the dates align with the timeline, along with plot points because I am writing this so to fit the way I want it to be. 

Thank You for reading.

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