Chapter 1

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Primrose POV

On the train ride home after the end of third year I didn't speak much, like every year, because I know what is waiting for me when I arrive back at the Dursley's. Two long months of chores, no food, and abuse. I have told Dumbledore but he always brushes it off saying that I'm just exaggerating and that the wards surrounding the house protect me. 

But the last two weeks before I leave they stay away from me so I have no bruises when I go back to Hogwarts.

"Hey Jamie," Called Ron, he always calls me by that stupid nickname, he got it from my middle name, Jacqueline after my father, and I always tell him not to call me that but he continues to do so either way.

"Don't call me that" I said.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come to the burrow and watch the Quidditch World Cup with us, Dad got tickets. It's a week before school starts so come the day before and we can go get our school supplies, Hermione already said she would come." Ron told me.

I answered saying "I would love to but I need to ask my Aunt and Uncle, they will probably say yeah just to get rid of me faster" I said the second part under my breath but somehow Hermione still caught it.

"Don't say that about them, they're your family I'm sure they love having you around." Replied Hermione in her reprimanding voice.

After that no one said anything else, Ron went on stuffing his face like someone was going to steal his candy and he was trying to eat it all before they got any, Hermione continued to retreat back to her own little world with her and her book, while I just stared out the window into the rolling hills of the country side.

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know Hermione's voice is telling me to wake up while her hand is shaking me.

"Ro wake up were back at King's Cross Station." I heard her say using her nickname for me. I don't like it but it's still better then Jamie.

"Oh, thanks Hermione" I responded in a voice slightly groggy due to sleep.

Ron left the train the moment we arrived and tasked Hermione with waking me up. Once I'm awaking enough we collect our trucks make our way onto the platform and begin our search for the Weasley's and find them pretty easily thanks to their hair. We walk over to them to say our goodbyes

Mrs. Weasley sees me and and pulls me into a big hug and starts to mother me "Oh dear, how was your year, Black didn't hurt you did he, I will tear him apart if he did, will you be coming over at the end of summer to get your supplies and to watch the world cup? "

I smile at the mention of my Godfather or Dogfather as he calls himself but I frown at the way that she is acting, it feels like she is trying to fill the mother role in my life but I don't want anyone to replace my mother even if I don't remember her. But none the less I put a smile back on my face and answer all her questions "My year was good, he didn't hurt me so no need rip him apart, Ron can fill you in on all the details later, I need to ask if I can come over but I will owl you when I have my answer." I took a pause for a breath and then continued on "I need to go now my family is waiting for me" I give them all hugs ending with the twins, I say "See you in a couple of months." and walk though the barrier back to the muggle world. 

I spot Vernon, Petunia, and Dudley Dursley all standing around looking impatient as ever. Making my way over there I hide all my emotions behind a mask so that I don't get in trouble for 'looking to abnormal' or any other stupid reason they can find that deserves a punishment in their eyes. When I arrive in front of them Vernon looks down at my tiny stature (which is only 4'11", I've always been mad at my height because it was always something Uncle Vernon would say is unnatural and when he's had a really bad day would punish me for not being taller) and grunts then starts walking away with Petunia and Dudley following. I quickly follow them out  and lift my trunk into the cab of the car, get into the back seat and we're off before my door is even fully closed.

When we arrive back at Privet Drive and everyone gets out, I grab my trunk and Hedwig's cage, I let her fly around for a few days because I know I won't be allowed to let her out very often. Vernon locks the car and tugs my trunk away from me so he can lock it away before I get to grab anything from it, he does this every year so not to 'bring any extra abnormalities into this house hold', when they are all in the house I look up at the sky and see it's sunny and clear. I mentally groan knowing and dreading that Aunt Petunia will make me do the garden before making dinner. 

Making my way to my bedroom I think "This is going to be a long summer."

Authors Note:

This is the first fanfic I have ever done so it might not be the best but I promise to finish the story because I read so many incomplete stories and I firmly believe that if you start something you should finish it. I will update weekly possibly more.

This is based all on my own ideas and opinions, if there are any plot points that are similar to anothers, well, great minds think alike, but seriously I did NOT steal anyones ideas.

I appreciate any and all reviews I get so feel free to tell me what you think. 

Thanks for reading <3

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