The Puppet Master No More

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Rhaellarys POV

"You are going to have a constant target on your back." Dany says as I help prepare her for a weird Dothraki ritual.

"I'd rather have a target on my back instead of you." I tell her as I do her hair.

"You'd make an amazing queen." She says.

"Dany, I don't want to be queen. You would be more suited for it especially since you are with child. An heir." I tell her and she places a hand on her belly.

"One day you will have your heir. Only time will tell with who. But I do know from what I've seen is that you have eyes for Ser Jorah. Besides you can't lie to me because your a horrible liar." She says.

"Am not." I tell her.

"Are too." She says and I give her a pouty face.

"We must attend the ritual. So we better get going." I tell her.

"I had this made for you." She says and suddenly pulls out a sword and leather holster. I look at it and it held the Stark and Targaryen sigil.

"It's beautiful Dany." I tell her and it indeed was.

"Its made out of Valerian Steel with a mixture of dragon stone. Ever since I heard about your training, I wanted you to have something that you could handle well." Dany says and I secure the belt around my waist.

"Lets go." I tell her and give her  a hug before we leave.

The Dothraki, almost meeting hall was in the center of the  village. Many were gathering in as Dany and I arrived. I quickly spot Jorah and my heart races at the sight of him.

"Go talk to him." Dany says.

"How can I? The last time we spoke, we kissed and I ran off." I tell her.

"You just didn't know how to react. So go talk to him." She says.

"Fine." I tell her with a soft smile and laugh.

i calmly walk towards Jorah and his eyes brighten at the sight of me.

"I thought you'd not talk to me after what happened." He says sounding completely shocked.

"I needed time to process and get my mind set where I could think." I tell him.

"I understand Rhae." He says.

"But...I don't regret a thing." I tell him and he looked even more shocked.

We stayed silent for a decent portion of the night as we watch and listen to the strange Dothraki ritual that involves a pregnant khaleesi to eat a horse heart. It was a bit stomach churning to watch.
"She has to eat the whole heart? Hope that wasn't my horse." Viserys says as he appears at our side.
" She is doing well." Jorah says.
" She'll never keep it down." Viserys says.
The chants fill the tent and making Viserys confused.
" Tell me what she's saying." Viserys asks Jorah.
"The prince is riding, I've heard their thunder of hooves. Swift as the wind as he rides. His enemiess will cower before him. Their wives will weep tears of blood. She's going to have a boy." Jorah says.
" He won't be a real Targaryen. He wouldn't be a true dragon." Viserys says and I shoot a " I'm going to kill you look."

After several more minutes Daenerys finishes the heart, she almost upchucks it back up but quickly recovers.
The woman chanting proudly announces in Dothraki something that I can't quite translate yet.
" A stallion who will mouny thr world. A stallion is the Khal of Khals. He shall reunite the people into one Khalaesar, all the people will be his herd." Jorah says.

Dang stands up and starts speaking in Dothraki and says one word/ name that I could understand. She would name the boy Rhaego.
The Khal stands up and lifts her to carry her around their people.
" They love her." Viserys says sounding shocked.
" Yes, they do." I pipe up.
" She is truly a queen today." Jorah says.
" Indeed she is." I say and notice Jorah looking down at me.

Later that night was a bountiful feast. I chose to situate myself beside Jorah as we enjoyed the festivities. I pick at the delectable cooked meat and ripe fruit.

Not too long later, in typical fashion, Viserys comes in drunk as hell.
I swore under my breathe and whisper to Jorah.
" He's going to do something stupid."

" Daenerys! Where's my sister?!" Viserys tells and Jorah and I stand up.
" Where is she? I'm here for the feast!" He says as we reach him.
" Viserys you need to leave. Your drunk." I tell him.
" Ah, commanding suits you since its your apparent birthright, huh?" Viserys taunts.
" Viserys you need to leave." I growl at him and he pushes me into through me.
" Khal Drogo! I'm here for the feast!" Viserys says and Khal speaks to his bloodrider in Dothraki and Viserys looks at Jorah confused.
" He says there is a place for you. Back there." Jorah says.
" That is not a place for a king!" Viserys says and Drogo laughs.
" You are no king." The khal taunts and Viserys draws his sword.
" Viserys, enough with this childs play." I tell him and he shoves me and I fall and my hands hit the searing hot coals which don't phase me.
" Viserys please." Dang begs as Jorah helps me up and looks at me confused when he checks my hands.
" Ah there she is." Viserys says.
" Put the sword down. They will kill us all." Jorah says.
" They can't. They can't shed blood in their sacred city." Viserys says and points his sword at Dany's stomach.
" But I can." Viserys says.
" I want what I came for. I want my crown. He promised me! You were my bargaining chip. I can take you back, they can keep the baby, I can cut it out of you and leave it for them." Viserys says and I became furious. I'm pretty sure Jorah could sense I was becoming unhinged by the actions occurring.
Khal Drogo speaks up and what he said, I could actually understand.
" What is he saying?" Viserys asks.
" He says yes. You should have a golden crown. One that men shall tremble to behold." Daenerys says.

" That was all I wanted. What was promises." Viserys says and laughs giddily.

Khal Drogo gets up and looks at Dang lovingly just as his two bloodriders grab Viserys and break one of his arms. I knew exactly what was going to happen. Viserys was gonna die.
" No! You can't touch me! I am the dragon!" He yells and the Khal pulls a chain and drops it into a pot to melt. I look over to Dany, to show I needed to say something to Viserys.

Once the metal was melted, I walk forward to Viserys and go to his ear and say,
" The puppet master is no more," right before he screams and pleads with Dany. I take several steps back to go beside Jorah just as Khal Drogo pours the metal on Viserys head. As I watch, I repeat the words I whispered into Viserys ear," The puppet master is no more."

Hope everyone is enjoying so far!
Ronan Skye

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2019 ⏰

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