Chapter 3~

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On the side is a super good song that is kind of what I listen to for inspiration for thsis story. (I don't wanna be in love by Good Charlotte) And a picture of Niall being fucking adarable motherfucker. Seriously. Sorry it's not the longest..I gotta ton of homework >.< The next chapter will be great :D at least I think so..So anyway, enjoy! 

Niall’s POV:

“I’m fine,” Louis snapped at the paramedic, pushing his hands away. “Sir, you were passed out in a bus on fire. I need to check you out; I have to do my job.” The paramedic said calmly. He probably dealt with resistant patients every day, this was nothing out of the ordinary for him!

But for me…that was a different story. Not once had I ever been in a car accident. Not even a little fender bender, and when the bus tipped over…I seriously thought I was going to die. I could have died!

Thank God Zayn was there and pulled me out of the bus...and Louis too. It was one thing for Zayn to get me out of the bus-we’d been friends forever. Zayn didn’t even know Louis, but he risked his life for him.

Louis had finally given in to the persistent paramedic and let him examine him quickly. I had already been checked out and I was totally fine. No concussion or anything! Just a little cut on my forehead which I got when I hit the floor.

“You, young man, are A-O-K!” The paramedic said brightly.

“Which is exactly what I told him.” Louis muttered as the paramedic walked away.

Out of nowhere, two strong arms grabbed and pulled me into a monster-bear-hug. “Zayn,” I laughed. “I’m okay, don’t worry.” Zayn let go of me and looked down at me because he was a little bit taller. His gold eyes searched my face, concerned.

“Are you sure?” He asked, still worried, holding me by my shoulders.

“Yes. Totally. And if you won’t take my word for it, you can walk your beautiful self over there and ask the paramedics.” I pointed to the paramedic that checked me out and stuck my tongue out childishly.

“Okay, okay, I believe you Nialler,” Zayn smirked. “You think I’m beautiful?” Zayn batted his eyelashes like some love-struck thirteen year old with a slight eye twitch. I would have played along but Zayn was making some pretty funny faces and I couldn’t help bursting out laughing.

I clutched my stomach as tears threatened to fall from my eyes. By the time I stopped Zayn just stood there looking offended. “Well then.”

Louis looked back and forth between Zayn and me. “You two…are a couple?” He asked carefully, but amused.

“Nah I’m straight.” I said at the same time Zayn said, “Totally! Aren’t we the cutest thing ever?” in a very valley-girl like manner, flinging an arm around my shoulder.

“Uhm..” Louis looked unsure.

“What?!” Zayn exclaimed, pulling himself away from me like I had some sort of disease. “You were just playing with my emotions this whole time? Was anything we had real? You’re nothing but a liar, Niall! A filthy  liar!” He clutched a hand dramatically over his heart, gasping.

He held that pose for a few more seconds and then bowed. I clapped enthusiastically, if not a little obnoxiously, “Bravo! Bravo!” Louis was staring at us like we just grew scales and fins and started swimming in the air.

I laughed at his expression, “Sorry, mate, I think Zaynie here is somewhat high from the fumes of the burning bus over there.” I joked. “But to answer your question no we’re not dating. I’m straight and Zayn just wishes he could have a piece of this.” I gestures towards my body like one of those cocky guys that always seems to have a smirk on his face.

“You know it, Nialler. I can barely control myself around you, you’re so damn sexy.” Zayn mock-swooned, and put his arm back around my shoulders. Louis laughed at Zayn’s shenanigans this time, smiling for the first time. He had a great smile…I mean, I’m straight and I thought he had a great smile. You could tell Zayn thought so too by the way he was practically drooling over the boy.

“I never got to give you a proper thank you,” Louis smiled at Zayn. “Thanks for going back for me.”

Zayn blushed, “It’s not a big deal, it wasn’t even that hard…”

“Still, thank you.” Louis said intensely, before giving Zayn a tight hug. Zayn, surprised, let his arm fall off of me and hugged him back. When they pulled away Zayn was blushing and Louis was smirking.

“It’s fine,” Zayn said abruptly. “Just forget about it.” He turned away from Louis and to me. “The new bus is going to be here soon, let’s go wait for it.” He almost pulled my arm out of its socket, dragging me towards the side of the road.

I frowned, what was that about? Did Zayn not like Louis? I looked back at Louis’ surprised face and made a helpless motion with one hand, my form of an apology for Zayn’s rudeness.

Suddenly, Louis ran and quickly caught up with us. “Zayn, one more thing!”

Zayn turned to look at him hesitantly. Louis got super close to Zayn, so their bodies were parallel with each other but not quite touching, and whispered something in his ear. Zayn blushed, again, only this time it was about 30 shades redder than before. Louis walked off like nonchalantly and went to talk to a group of guys.

“What did he say?” I asked Zayn, curiously. “Nothing,” he muttered, his blush still not faded and he walked off to the side of the road and sat down in the grass to wait for the bus.

Not knowing what else to do, I sat down next to him and we sat in silence.

Louis’ POV:

I watched the tall, dark and handsome Zayn pretend to flirt with Niall and laughed. He was so freaking adorable! I had noticed him checking me out on the bus, obviously he was gay. Or bi. Not that it really mattered.

“I never got to give you a proper thank you,” I smiled, charmingly at him. “Thanks for going back for me.”

His flawless tan skin turned pink, “It’s not a big deal, it wasn’t even that hard…” Awwh! He was so modest!

“Still, thank you.” I told him, looking into his gorgeous eyes. They were like golden dripping molasses that way he was staring at me. I couldn’t help myself. Even though I just met him, I gave him a tight hug. I think I startled him by the way he hug me back but I didn’t care.

When I pulled away he was blushing again but his eyes weren’t like molasses anymore. They were like frozen honey as he told me, “It’s fine. Just forget about it.” And said something to Niall and started to pull him away.

I was shocked.

Had I done something wrong?

Was the hug too much?

Did I cross some unknown line?

I watched as Niall turn, he looked just as confused as I felt, and he made a gesture with his hand, like he didn’t know what was up with Zayn. 

He’s not going to get away that easy. I thought to myself. He was interested in me. Even a blind man could tell. I quickly caught up with them, “Zayn, one more thing.”

I leaned my body close to his, so we were almost touching, and whispered in his ear. “For the record, I think you beautiful. And extremely sexy.” Zayn shivered under my hot breath and I pulled away smirking not looking at his reaction as I went to talk with some of the other delinquents.

Zayn was definatly interested in me.

I want to give a MASSIVE THANK YOU to Miss_Angel for making me a cover for this story :D It's simply stunning. So massive thanks. (:

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