Chapter 1

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Louis sifted through his closet, trying to focus through his excitement so he could find something other than Harry's jumper, something nice, to wear. After months without speaking to his father, Harry had surprised Louis by getting ahold of Mark for Louis. It was all Louis had talked about for the past few weeks, babies and what his father would think of them, so Harry had taken the hint. Now he was finally going to get to go see his father, but Harry had requested he dress nice so that Mark wouldn't receive the assumption that Louis was with a sucky Dom.

He had known of his babies for only two weeks, was six weeks along, and yet he still hadn't developed any form of bump. He hadn't even experienced morning sickness. Because of the lack of pregnancy symptoms he and Harry constantly had Liam check up on the babies inside him, at least once every few days. All was still well, and Liam assured them that he was keeping a growth chart and that Louis would be showing in no time with the growth rate of the babies. But as it was, Louis' tummy was flat aside from the little pudge he had without the babies, so choosing his clothes was quite simple. He went with skinny jeans, a grey sweater that clung to him well, and he of course was wearing his green collar that he very rarely took off. When he figured he looked decent enough, he slipped back out and into his and Harry's bedroom for his Dom's approval. Harry was seated on the bed with his laptop, typing up what was most likely an email, but he glanced up at Louis.

"Come here, pet, let me look," Harry insisted.

Louis' hands folded in front of his tummy as he walked forward shyly, "I figured I'd dress a little bit warmer... even if it is spring."

"It's chilly enough for what you're wearing, I just want to see you," Harry hummed, pushing his laptop aside and scooting to the edge of the bed. The Dom spread his legs wide enough that he could pull Louis gently between them as he ran his hands down the boy's sides, spinning him slowly to look at Louis' entire form. "Very nice, like always. I think you could pull off any clothing, though, sweets."

Louis blushed, and Harry tugged him down to plant a kiss on his lips. The younger boy decided to just climb onto Harry's lap, wrapping his arms around the man and clinging to him in hopes that he would be unable to deny cuddles, "When are we supposed to meet my dad, sir?"

"In about an hour for lunch," Harry murmured in amusement. "I need to do a little bit of work, however, so I don't think this position is going to work out."

Despite what he said, Harry's arms curled around Louis as well. Louis sighed, "What do you want me to do until then, sir?"

"You can go watch tv with Niall," Harry suggested.

"Can I stay here with you?" Louis asked. "I won't sit on you."

Harry nodded, "Just try not to be too cute, I'm easily distracted by you."

"Yes sir," Louis giggled, and Harry smiled as he slid the boy off of his lap and turned his attention back to his laptop. The sub sat down on the bed next to Harry with one of his science books and flipped through the pages with jittery hands. He was ready to see his father, and sitting around made him anxious. His eyes flitted onto Harry, watching the man's long fingers slide across the keys. He very much liked Harry's hands, and not for necessarily sexual reasons although those were nice too, but just because they were large and capable of rough things, Louis knew that from past spankings, they were always so gentle with Louis.

"Do you need something?" Harry's voice made Louis jump.

In realization that he had been caught staring, he shook his head, "No sir, I was just watching you type. Well no, not like spying on your messages I mean- I was just-"

"You're fine," the Dom assured. "I was just making sure that you weren't being too shy to ask for something. You have a tendency to do that."

"Well," Louis pursed his lips, hoping to prove to his Dom that he could be brave, but he stuttered a bit and ruined the effect. "I t-think we're hungry."

Their Submission {BDSM} {Larry Mpreg} BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now