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This’ll be taking place almost a year later.

“Do I look alright?” Louis asked nervously, allowing his father to fix the dress shirt he wore.

The shirt was white and collared, but it also had a low neck, exposing Louis’ sharp collarbones and his sub collar. It looked a bit awkward and long on Louis’ small torso, however, so he ended up tucking it into his grey corduroys.

“Very nice,” his father hummed. “Harry’s going to love it. Or did he pick it out?”

Louis shook his head, “I picked it out…”

Niall suddenly scurried into the room, a whimpering Blaine perched on his hip, “Hey, Lou, sorry- ooh, you look so good though! Harry’s going to have an aneurism, I know I nearly did.”

“Maaaam!” Blaine wailed.

It brought a laugh from the sub, and he reached out for his baby boy. The twins were already fourteen months old, well over a year, and Louis could barely believe his babies were growing so fast. They both were still small, but Liam, who gave them monthly checkups and required baby shots, said that it was most likely just their inheritance of Louis’ petite size.

They could sit up by themselves, crawl by themselves, and they were starting to walk on their own. Liam assured that it wasn’t late for them and had nothing to do with their intelligence, but more so the strength of their little limbs and their temperament. They weren’t weak babies, but they were extremely shy and hesitant of new things. Louis was almost certain that Brielle could walk if she really wanted to, but all she ever seemed to want was Louis or Harry to hold her. With that being as it was, they worked with her as much as they could to get her to walk.

Blaine, on the other hand, had moved far too fast with his walking and had scared himself away from walking with a nasty tumble that gave him three stitches to the corner of his little head and made Harry acquire a rubber bumper that spanned along the edges of the coffee table in both his office and the living room. It had happened while he was using a little toy car they had gotten for him to use for support, one that would move if he did. He’d been moving too fast and lost his footing, efficiently falling and hitting his head on the edge of the coffee table.

Blaine hadn’t been very upset about it and simply sat up and looked to Louis, but when Louis snatched up and realized that there was a gash dripping blood down Blaine’s cheek he’d completely panicked and rushed to Liam.

Other than physical things, the twins were developing very well mentally. They could say mummy, or it was more so mama, they could say daddy, and they could say Niall even though it came out more as “Null”.

Niall was generally the one who looked after them while Harry worked and Louis did homework, as well as looking after his own little baby boy, Nico. Nico James Payne had been born right on time eight months prior in early March, and he’d been born a Dom. His hair was brown, which could only be expected since Niall wasn’t born blonde, but his eyes were blue like Niall’s rather than brown like Liam’s. Niall and Liam had married four months earlier, just a quick wedding much like the little procedure Harry and Louis had gone through back at the hospital.

But now, Louis and Harry were having the wedding they never had. They were married, but Louis wanted a wedding, and Harry was of course willing to give him one.

“Come here, baby,” Louis cooed, snuggling Blaine close. He figured he would be wrinkling his shirt, but he didn’t mind much. Blaine was the least cuddliest twin, so he always gave cuddles when Blaine wanted them. “Where’s Nico at?”

“With Liam and Brielle is with Harry,” Niall listed off, smiling fondly as Blaine touched Louis’ cheek softly.

“You look very nice in your little suit,” Louis told Blaine, laughing as Blaine covered Louis’ mouth in response and then giggled about it. “But you’ll have to go to grandpa or uncle Niall soon, mummy has to go see your daddy!”

Their Submission {BDSM} {Larry Mpreg} BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now