Cheater crush x reader

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As you walked down the dark street tears falling down your cheeks, you crushed all the pictures with you and (c/n). They meant nothing to him at all after all you did see him with another woman.


You wanted to surprise (c/n) with a date at his house you had already asked his mother if it was alright and she said it would be alright also because she would be gone that night it would leave you and (c/n) alone. You were happily walking to (c/n's) house and since he had swimming (idk what sport you want you can change it if you want) you wanted to cook there because it would be easier. When you went up to the door you noticed it was unlocked. You thought hmm (c/n) never keeps his door unlocked. As you entered you went to the kitchen and started to cook. You grew silent as you cut the veggies. Until you heard shuffling in a room near you, you stopped cutting and went towards the noise and opened the door....There you saw (c/n) on top of another woman having a make out session, she gasped when she saw you and tried to cover herself with a blanket (c/n) saw you with widened eyes yelling "WAIT (Y/N) IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK!!!" you had tears falling out the side of your eyes yelling back "FUCK YOU AND THIS SLUT" you ran away as you could hear (c/n) yelling to you to stop but you kept running away, you didn't want to see him ever again.

flashback end

You couldn't stop crying as memories flooded into your head of all the happy times you had with (c/n). You remembered where your first date the beach. You still had tears in your eyes as you thought to your self ending all the suffering you had. You walked to a cliff just about the ocean you had your feet dangling off the side. You heard feet running towards you and you knew it was (c/n). You cried even more weeping a little. He walked towards you a pained expression on his face "(y/n)....?" he said just above a whisper. You looked back with a sad expression on your face, you stood up smiling as tears flooded your vision sprinkling down your cheeks. You said "here you go this is what you wanted right? You made me feel this way you can have the woman you were with she'll give you the happiness you desire" As you took a step backwards and you fell to your death. You could hear him yelling and crying as you fell off. He knew you were the only woman for him, the one who made him laugh, the one who cheered him up, the one who cared for him and he gave it all up just for pleasure for one night. He stood there crying saying "i love you (y/n) i hope i see you in another life so we can start over. As he got up still crying he saw a small box with his name on it at the table you set up as a date for you and him. It indicated...

Dear (c/n),

I love you soo much i really hope you like this date i really love you i would do anything for you if i lost you i would die and never forgive myself.

(C/n) stood there crying his eyes out after reading that he never met another woman like you ever again.

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