Boyfriend x broken heart reader

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About you

life - You are lonely, have only a few friends, hate to bother people, many people hate you, you hate your self, think of everything in a dark way, and you are bullied at school.

looks - you have long blue hair (put in a pony tail), curves, like to wear a hat, leggings on, and wearing a black jacket.

About your boyfriend

life - likes getting in fights, worries you A LOT, likes video games, does not like to start conversations, has a lot of friends, and is kinda popular.

looks - short dark brown hair, strong, he is wearing jeans, wears a jacket sometimes, LOVES bacon.

Your prov

You and your boyfriend were going to the park because you wanted to hang out with him, he has not really payed attention to you lately. When you got there you both talked for a while about random things until he said something that made you stop. "Question if a dude stares at a girl and she catches him, is it normal for her to respond why are you staring at me while blushing?" You stood there thinking he was talking about him and some other girl "why are you asking?" she just said "a friend stared at this girl and got caught." You looked relieved and said while staring at him "oh ok then yes it is normal" both of you stayed quiet for a while, you stared at the ground until he said "but it did happen to me before" that made you look up at him and ask "someone was staring at you, or you were staring at someone?" With worry in your eyes he said "I was staring" that made you lose it and start asking questions to see if he was cheating or if he still liked her, so you asked "when?, how old were you?, why were you staring?" he answered all of them as if he were expecting them. So you asked if he was sure he did not like them and he responded with "i swear?" that made you freeze because it sounded like a question, you asked if it was a question but he said it was not and you were suspicious about his answer so you continued to ask questions about what was going on, he answered them but said one thing that made your heart drop. "I hate to change subjects, but are you just trying to get something out of me or are you just bugging me?" you stayed quiet for 2 minutes because he said you were bugging him but you were not trying to you hate bugging people, but said in a shaky voice as if you were gonna cry " i was trying to see if your cheating on me, or if you still like her but if i'm bugging you i'll leave.........bye, i'm sorry." As you started to leave tears fell off your cheeks and you began to run away, but he grabbed your wrist and said "no don't leave stay" you shook out of his grip and pulled back your hand protectively saying "no it's not i'm bugging you i'm just gonna leave you alone i don't want to bug anyone, but if i'm bugging you i should just stay away from you." After you said that you ran full speed tears dripping off your face like a waterfall and you could not stop them. Your heart was finally broken all the way and no one could fix what happened to one you died a alone death with only pain and suffering as your company.

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