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Dear heartbroken girl,

It's crazy how someone can love you today and after sometime everything fades and they turn their backs away. I know how painful it is to realize that you'll never be with him anymore, perhaps you think your world is ending and happiness will never know it's way back to you. This is to you, for having a heart that still loves even when it's broken to pieces. I know it's hard to wake up and realize he is no longer part of you, that you'll never be one again. Sometimes his voice haunts you when you try to sleep and once you close your eyes, all you can see is him. I know how heavy your heart is right now because all you're thinking is, you'll never be the girl he wanted.
You are a masterpiece, he couldn't see the universe in your eyes, he couldn't feel the world in your embrace but that shouldn't shatter you. You're eyes are tired of suppressing the tears and your chest is heavy with grief. Sometimes it gets tiring to be in this world faking smiles and you want to disappear. I know this pain is making your wounds deep and deeper but trust me, I wish you knew that he doesn't deserve at all. He lost you- the girl who gave him everything and more, and this his loss, and one day he will realize that you're irreplaceable.
Let him go, I know it pains. I know it feels so bad but please don't make it worse by hurting yourself every time you look at his memories. Darling, you're enough and your worth will never recede just because he left you. For every time you gave your heart to someone who didn't know how to handle it, for every time someone shattered your dreams, forgive yourself. It's not your fault that you loved him even when all he did was fill your ears with lies. It's not your fault that he left you. You will heal and one day this pain will fade. You'll forget about every night you soaked your pillow with tears and happiness will fill all the holes in your heart.
Days will pass and eventually he will mean nothing, his voice won't make you jittery and his eyes won't make your heart race. You'll be over him. Trust me, that feeling is more beautiful than the one you had when he held hands with you. You will love again, I promise, but for now, allow yourself to accept the reality that certain people weren't written for you. Accept the fact that certain things don't need any validation and when people leave, I hope you know that they never wanted to stay in the first place. You do not have to beg anyone to stay in your life, you deserve so much more and so much better.
Yours truly,
Another broken girl.

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