marlynn maximoff

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Name: Marlynn Maximoff
Nickname: Marie
Family: She's Wanda's (Scarlett witch) and Pietro's (Quicksilver) older sister.
Age: 27
Friends: most of the avengers
Personality: Marlynn tends to be a sweet and kind person. She very much likes to help out people when she can and even when she can't she still tries to. When someone first meets her, though, she's more on the serious side. This is due to the fact that she wants to give the impression that she can be strong, serious, and well worthy of being a superhero. Realistically, she's someone who's sweet, outgoing, sarcastic, and likes to lighten everyone up after a rough day.
Likes: being in nature, reading, bicycle rides (especially during sunsets), and loves cooking
Dislikes: being alone, seeing others hurt or upset, seeing her siblings distraught or hurt
Faceclaim: Nina dobrev

 Likes: being in nature, reading, bicycle rides (especially during sunsets), and loves cookingDislikes: being alone, seeing others hurt or upset, seeing her siblings distraught or hurt Faceclaim: Nina dobrevLooks:

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Crush: Steve Rogers (or Stephen Strange depending on who's your crush)Superpowers: Unlike wanda, she's not skilled in witchcraft or any powerful sorcery

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Crush: Steve Rogers (or Stephen Strange depending on who's your crush)
Superpowers: Unlike wanda, she's not skilled in witchcraft or any powerful sorcery. Her power is more mild and less threatening than most. She's able to control plant life which includes anything like vines, tree roots and even plants like poison ivy.
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- formal/party outfit:

- formal/party outfit:

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