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Caught Cheating

(Your crush's version)
You had been away for about two months now on a mission in France and were now back at home. Before you left on your mission, though, you had gotten engaged to (crush) but still hadn't moved in together yet because you two wanted to wait to find a house that you two were going to form a family in. You decided you wanted to go visit them right after changing into their favorite outfit and got all pretty for them, not that you needed to but you wanted to. Upon arriving at their place, you entered since you had a key and called out to them. "(Crush)! I'm finally back!" You head towards their room after not receiving a response and start to hear sounds that make your heart sink and break entirely. "Oh f*ck yes! Right there (Crush)!" So you..

(Your version)

(Crush) had recently become distant with you due to arguments you've both had and their job as an avenger. It had gotten to the point that they hardly come home now, only appearing when they to change, shower, eat, or sleep. They've hardly been acknowledging you and sleep with their back towards you now. After a while of this happening you've started feeling extremely lonely and feel the need to fill that lonely spot with something like pleasure but you still love (Crush) and don't want to break up with them. So you do something that could possibly ruin your relationship with (Crush) forever. You have an affair with (someone of your choice) behind (Crush)'s back everytime they leave to work. But one day, after (Crush) leaves to work and (person you chose) comes over, (Crush) comes back home earlier than you thought. You were having intercourse already with (person you chose) when you heard your name being shouted by (Crush). "Y/N!?!" A hurt, distraught look on their face.. So You?

(Please mention which one you want)

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