We Meet Again

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Wally's POV

"I knew her from somewhere, but I've been thinking about her all week and I still can't figure out where from." I told Dick.

"Well what was her name and what did she look like?"

"Ellie Rose, and she had medium length blonde hair, olive skin and brown eyes. She was short, maybe 5'2"." A/N I know that she's not that short in the show, but it's my story, so I can do whatever I want.

He quickly pulled up a picture of her. "This her?"

"Yep," I said.

"It says here that her full name is Elizabeth Elenor-Abbie Rose, she's seventeen, she was a shadow, aka someone who the government didn't know existed, up until two years ago when some policemen found her and brought her in. She apparently was homeless her whole life. At least, that's what it was filed as. She was placed in a group home overnight, then placed with Carlos and Justin Rodriguez-Martin, who she still lives with. She goes to Ma Ke Kai High School. In Ma Ke Kai, obviously." A/N Not an actual place, I made it up with the help of Google translate.

"That doesn't match up with the story she gave us," Zatanna said. "Remember Wally?"

"Yeah, you're right, Zee," I said.

"Then what's true, and what did she make up? Cuz she clearly made up something. Maybe both of those stories, even though it sounded like she was telling the truth when she was talking to us."Rocket said.

Zatanna's eyes widened and she smirked. "Guys, I think I figured it out. But, real quick, what was Artemis' story again? And what did she look like?"

"Uh, she had this really long sandy blonde hair, olive skin, and grey eyes. Her villain parents kicked her out for being a hero, the League kicked her out because she was the daughter of villains, and we tried to get her to quit because we would rather have had Roy on the team, and he hated her. Why?" Nightwing asked, though he looked like he suspected something.

"I'm pretty darn sure that Ellie Rose and Artemis Crock are one and the same."

-A few hours later-

Artemis' POV

I sat on the toilet lid, watching Mindy and Melanie. The only time that I can tolerate Mindy is when she gets in her sparkly star swimsuit and takes a bath with Mellie. She suddenly gets all sweet. It's nice for the hour or so the bath takes. Then she turns into a little devil again.

There's a knock at the door and Papa sticks his head around it. "Hey, Artemis, there's some people here to see you. Go downstairs, I'll handle these two." I nodded and got up.

When I got downstairs, I saw Dad with Wally, Megan, Kaldur, Connor, Dick (yes, I knew his name, he had never been exactly subtle at school) and two girls who were clearly Zatanna and Rocket. What the heck were they doing here?!

"So these are old friends of yours?" Dad asked skeptically. I smiled and nodded. Suddenly there was screaming from upstairs.

"No, no, no!" Mindy screeched. "I don't wanna get out! I don't wanna, I don't wanna!" We all flinched.

"You should probably go help handle that," I told Dad. He nodded and went upstairs, leaving me to have what would no doubt be a very awkward conversation. "So..." I said. "Why are you guys here?" I wasn't about to play dumb. We all knew who I was.

"We came to see you," Wally said.

I snorted. "What do you want?"

"To see you," He repeated. "GA and Canary have been worried sick about you! So has everyone else! Why'd you disappear like that?!"

"I dunno," I said sarcastically. "Maybe it's because *gasp* no one wanted me around."

That shut him up. "Dinah and Oliver did," Dick said, stepping in. "They were heartbroken when you left. They've been looking for you with any downtime that they have. They miss you and want you back."

"Well, I just got adopted, so that might be difficult."

"It doesn't have to be. Just visit them is all I'm asking."

Wally scoffed at that, making me arch an eyebrow. "We also wanted to ask you if you want to rejoin the team." Zatanna informed me.

I thought for a minute. "I'd have to ask my dads. And I still have to think about it. But if I decide to give it another shot, and my dads say yes, then I will." The sidekicks all beamed. "Remember though that you still need a yes from both me and my dads." I grabbed the sticky notes and a pen from the coffee table and wrote down my number. "Call me in a week." Now Melanie was screaming right along with Mindy. We all cringed. "I've gotta go help with that. Bye."

They told me goodbye and left. I took a deep breath and headed upstairs to the little sister torture that awaited me. Good lord, how had Jade put up with me?! I finally understood where she was coming from. Speaking of coming from, I'll have to ask Dad and Papa about rejoining the team. Even though I said that I'd have to think about it, I had already decided in my heart what I was gonna choose.

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