every tear

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『 e p i g r a p h 』

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『 e p i g r a p h 』

❝  people either want to fuck you, kill you or be you. ❞

ezra miller

 『 s u m m a r y 』

"No, no, no," she sighed wiping her tears away with her sweater sleeve, "I can't do this anymore."

"Come here, it's going to be okay. You're going to be okay." He embraced her in his arms.

『  d e d i c a t i o n 』

to anyone, literally anyone who just needs a break from reality and who needs comfort. 

to everyone who doesn't feel comfortable in their own shoes.

even if everything is falling apart, you'll be okay.

『  t i m e l i n e  』

started: 27.6.2019


『 w a r n i n g s 』

suicidal thoughts


panic attacks


(if any of this is unrealistic / too sensitive please pm me or comment)

『 d i s c l a i m e r  』

All works on this account, any names, incidents, and places are a work of fiction. All of which were from my (the author's) imagination and experiences. Meaning incidents, dates, names, and places are all confidential. The author's intention of writing this book was not to romanticize mental health issues as this is a serious issue. The purpose of this book was to share the authors All rights go to the owners of the photos used and the celebrities in this book. There will be touchy topics briefly covered in this book. They might be inaccurate if they are please do comment or send me a private message. If you have any problems please send me a private message or comment down below.

 『 a u t h o  r  '  s    n o t e s  』

just a bit of a backstory, I originally had this idea way after I first became suicidal and began to self-harm. but little did I know that when I came up with this idea, that I would have chronic panic attacks which affected her school life and relationships.  I basically did not go to school for months and actually did not go to school for about 3 weeks. she ended up getting help. I started getting chronic panic attacks in year 11 (sophomore year). the year I was set to have my IGCSEs. I would be starting the IB in a month after this is set to be published (early august). there were times when I was on the verge of killing myself.  I have been suicidal and self-harming since I was 11. I am now 16.  I am in no way saying you can do this. I already know you can. 

my tips on getting help are first staring small. maybe go talk to a sibling or a close friend  (or even me, I won't ever interrogate you like  some parents might). then start to take it bit by bit.

just a general tip: set goals for yourself that are a bit of a challenge but you know that you can achieve so that you can build up your confidence. for me, it was first just showing up to school (or trying).

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