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He stared at her bedroom's pale, white ceiling

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He stared at her bedroom's pale, white ceiling. A tear rolled down from his left eye onto his pillow. Timothee sniffled. His life was falling apart. At this point, he was just completely clueless, lost in the void of darkness. 

Why did everyone else seem so - so perfect? They all seemed so happy. 

Timothee was nowhere near happy. Every night, tears streamed down his eyes. It never ended, until he fell asleep. 

Emilio stared into space. He sat next to a stream in the mountains, not too far from his neighborhood. Maybe just about a fifteen-minute drive. 

He was at peace here, a sad peace. His thoughts would run wild like deer here. It felt like no one would evade his thoughts. No one was there, not another single human soul was to be found. He loved it here, no one could never judge him for who he was.

There were times when both Emilio and Timothee wished they were never there. They wished they never even existed. It was their dream to be exiled from the world and off into space.  

Claudine lay next to her sister, Pheobe under the stars. The universe was a work of art, at least in Pheobe's eyes.  It's a purple blush with freckles glittered across its cheeks at night. Claudine had other ideas.  It seemed like the universe hated her for reasons she could never figure out. She wished she was an Aaron Hotchner or an  Amy Santiago. But she wasn't, which 'sucked ass'. She hated the universe, the universe seemingly hated her. 

Meanwhile,  Leonard fumbled with his fingers at the dinner table,  his lips pursed so tightly that they became white.  Staring into space,  his heart raced just at the thought of Claudine.  The way she bit her lower lip, the way her hair was styled, her skin complexion.  Everything about Claudine left him in awe.  

With a cup of coffee in one hand and a book in another,  Lily sat cross-legged on her mahogany wingback chair.  She took a sip out of her coffee. Her eyes scanned across the lion brown pages. As she was scanning the words of Emily Brontë, Lily became more and more engrossed into the story, imagining that Brontë's world was real.  After all,  Lily used it to escape her harsh reality.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2020 ⏰

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