3. Locker Room

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The week was going well until Thursday came around. Jimin thought that maybe he wouldn't be more embarrassed than he was on Monday. Like it couldn't happen.  This was true until gym. All the boys had to change in the locker room together.

This was fine, all he had to do was to not look at the others as he changed. The teen literally kept his eyes glued to his lockers, only looking down when necessary. Just cause he's gay didn't mean he found these other guys attractive, but the idea that maybe he would, if he lingered his eyes a little bit too long. And somehow got caught and called out, scared him to death.

He unbuttoned his pants and slid them down his legs. Folded them, placed them in the locker and grabbed out a pair of his gym shorts. Nothing unusual.

But then there was a low whistle from across the room. "Damn Park, that's a nice ass." The guy said loud and clear. People snickered, Jimins ears turned red. He squeezed his eyes shut and put on his shorts. Trying not to freak out but it wasn't working. Holy shit that's the gayest thing I've ever heard.

"You checking out a dudes ass bro? Pft, that's gay."

"Shut it, he has got a better ass than most the girls. Like look at it. It ain't flat. Damn." He trailed off. Jimin got slightly mad, he felt like turning around and giving him a piece of his mind. The teen felt like he wasn't just a piece of meat. Stop looking at his ass.

But before he could voice his opinion, a deeper voice cut threw the snickers. "He does got a nice ass, you're right." Jimins eyes widened, and he whipped his head around. Yoongi stood there, in his shorts but shirtless. Looking Jimin up and down, and oh my god. He wanted to die.

He took a deep breath and grabbed his shirt out, and put it on hastily. Throwing on his gym shoes, and not even bothering to tie them before he ran out of there like a bat from hell. The teen felt objectified and disrespected. But he also felt embarrassed and slightly jittery from what his crush said. Jimin didn't know how to handle the situation. Running seemed like the only option.

As the doors closed behind him he heard the first dude mutter. "What's his problem?"


Coach looked up from his clip board upon hearing shoes slipping against the gym floor. "A bit early huh?"

"I hope that's fine."

Coach nodded. "It's no problem, you just have to wait for the rest of the kids to be finished."

"What are we playing today?"

"Dodgeball." Jimin stifled a groan. He hated dodgeball, he was good at kicking balls but hes bad at throwing and catching. The teen didn't have very good arm strength.

It didn't take very long and the students pilled in. Two guys from the locker room chuckled in his direction. It made him uncomfortable. Jimin rolled his eyes, and tried to ignore them.

After role call the coach picked two random names from the roster. "Ryoma Ichijo and Satou Kazuma you're our team leaders today." With some direction the class split up into two groups. Now Jimin wasn't very good in sport related activities. It came as no surprise to him when he was one of the last handful of people picked.

There was white strips on the floor to remind people where the end lines are. People talked back and forth on where they should be placed. Jimin just picked at his nails, not really caring where he was going to end up. To busy in his own world to even really notice who was on his team.

"Park." He whipped his head up to see who was talking to him, it was Kazuma, the guy who picked him for his team. "Me and Tadashi are going to tip off and be the first outside, but we can't agree on who's going to do what."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2019 ⏰

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