Universal Studio meeting

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I arrive at the Universal dance studios at just before 10am.
I wait in the waiting room, I'm supposed to be having meetings with Michael and just signing a few papers.
Nothing big.

"Would you like to follow me, Skylar?" The guy looks at me
"Sure" I smile slightly and stand up
"Mr Jackson is very excited to work with you" he smiles at me
"I feel very greatful to work with such an amazing artist" I nod proudly he smiles back
He looks back at me before opening the door, "he hasn't stopped talking about you since he met you, you know?" He questions smirking
"Oh" is all that seems to slip off of my tongue.
"I'm Frank, Michael manager by the way!" He laughs holding out his hand
"Nice to meet you" I shake his hand
He opens up the door and the large dance studio glistens with lights.
"Michael, Skylar is here" Frank announces
Michael immediately turns off the music and walks up to us with a smile.
He nods at frank smiling gratefully "Thank you" he waves at Frank
"Nice to see you again, Skylar" he smirks at me, watching Frank close the door behind him as he leaves
"You too" I smile back
"So, the contracts" Michael claps his hands getting down to business
"So, you're gonna be my dance choreographer for this album and tour" he smiles at me handing me the first sheet
"Great!" I exclaim and he smiles showing his amazing, pure white teeth.
"If you'd like to read through the contract, and just sign at the bottom of ever sheet" he smiles walking off to the speakers playing Human Nature.

It takes me like half an hour to read through everything and agree to all the rules. The rules were as extreme as I thought they would be.
I aren't allowed to speak of anything outside of the four walls that something gets told to me In. One of the main rules. I aren't allowed to speak about projects/ songs and dancers that are coming up.

"Would you wanna get started, maybe getting to know each other's moves?" He asks
"I erm-" I begin
"Oh god I didn't mean like that!" He laughs embarrassed
"I knew what you meant" I laugh, he turns red and looks away.
"So, what song?" I question
"Beat it?" He looks at me with a raised eyebrow
"Go ahead" I wave my hand in the air
I go to stand in front of the large mirrors and he does the same.

The songs starts playing.
"Maybe on the opening you could just be getting in place and walking round stage, waving at fans" I shrug
He nods.
The music starts, more intensely
"They told him don't you ever come around here
Don't want to see your face, you better disappear
The fire's in their eyes and their words are really clear
So beat it, just beat it" he starts singing through the computer and we starts moving, almost the same moves. I lip sync to his lyrics and I see him smiling at me through the mirror.
I pause the song and he laughs
"So" I start looking at him "you could be violently walking round stage, pointing at fans. And dancing with the dancers. Just do your own footwork you know, whatever feels right while on stage. This part doesn't have to have a set choreography...we could do it for the chorus though. Everything else you do what feels right at the time" I look at him
"I was thinking exactly that" he nods smirking "we think the same" he laughs
"I guess we do" I giggle
"Thanks for becoming my choreographer" he looks deep into my eyes
"No sweat" I smile shrugging

I unpause the song
"You better run, you better do what you can
Don't want to see no blood, don't be a macho man
You want to be tough, better do what you can
So beat it, but you want to be bad" he sings
I click my fingers and move forward dancing slowly towards the end.
"Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showin' how funky and strong is your fight
It doesn't matter who's wrong or right
Just beat it, beat it
Just beat it, beat it
Just beat it, beat it
Just beat it, beat it" I carry on clicking my fingers until the song reaches 'it doesn't matter who's wrong or right' then I put my feet together still...throw one arm up in the air, then the other. Then throw my other arm back up in the air while I flick the same leg out...I repeat that last step of the dance but with my other leg and arm. I then put both my to my right hip and use my foot work to slide back bringing my arms in and out. I then I cross my legs and quickly swirl, doing the same again.

The choreographer (m.j) Where stories live. Discover now