Billie Jean

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November 3rd 1982
We're filming the music video for Michael's second single. Billie Jean.
He wanted me to be on set...for no reason at all really.
But he said it was to "go through some dances" when all he has to do its do footworks, there's no actual choreography for the music vid.

"Michael!" The Director shouts, Steve Barron is his name.
"Yeah" Michael asks walking up to him
"We're ready to shoot" Steve announces
"Okay" Michael nods
I sit alone on the chairs behind all the camera equipment and look through the news paper.
"They're all lies you know" Michael states
I look up at him confused.
He points to a story about him, he probably was thinking I was reading that. I wasn't. I was reading about a murder.
I nod slowly.
Me and Michael haven't been on good terms lately. I've known him 3 months and we just keep arguing.
"Oh" I reply bluntly
"I'm not a freak" he laughs slightly
"I beg to differ" I whisper
Not meaning it at all. I just want him to leave me alone.
I look up at him after I realised he didn't reply. He looks sad, really upset.
He walks away without saying anything.
"Hi baby" Jason frightens me
"Oh hi" I smile
"You okay?" He wonders
"Hmm, I am now" I peck his lips and he smiles into the short kiss
I've been with Jason a month now.
Michael doesn't like him, but he acts like he does for me.
Jason doesn't really like Michael that much either.

Michael's PoV
Every time we touch, I'm all shook up. I don't know how else to sum it up, cause words ain't good enough. She's my world...she just doesn't know. Skylar is beautiful, there's no denying that. She drives me crazy. She's irreplaceable.
Yeah..what she said did upset me. She called me a freak. I'm not a freak. I've just got a loving heart, too loving sometimes.
She's happy now though, with Jason!
Man, I hate that guy. He's just using her, I know it. I can't tell her that, she'll think I'm jealous. I am. But she doesn't need to know or think that.

I stand alone watching the director frantically run around trying to find a new camera roll, the other has run out.

We keep taking turns, will we ever learn. She dodges my clear lust for her. I think she's only got with Jason to get me to back off. I never forced myself on her, don't worry. I wasn't really that forward. But the stuff I did do clearly showed I liked her.
She just doesn't obviously feel the same, and I understand!
I just wish she knew my true feelings for her.
I can't fight the feeling, and every night I feel it. Right now, I wish she was here with me. Cuddling, talking just anything. As long as I'm with her.

"Michael come on" Steve shouts for me
I walk towards my place on set.

Skylars PoV
I see Michael walk to his place on set.
I can't help but think I've hurt him, and he won't wanna talk to me. I'm such a fuck up.
I'm only with Jason so I don't have to ruin Michael's life. I like him, I really do. But I don't think it'd work out between us.
I've got a river for a soul, the things I feel for Michael is crazy. When I'm around him the river overflows.
But I think he just hates me.
Yes, we've kissed. We confessed our feelings to each other the other month. But nothing really come of it, probably because I distanced myself from him. And we always started arguing.

The music starts playing.
"She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene
I said don't mind, but what do you mean, I am the one
Who will dance on the floor in the round
She said I am the one, who will dance on the floor in the round" he mimes to the play back as he walks around the set.
I catch his eye as he turns away. He looks at me then looks away quick, noticing Jason's grip on me.
He walks around set for the first verse and the chorus. While the camera flickers between him and his stalker. As well as the cat who makes it into a few scenes

"People always told me he careful of what you do. Don't go around breaking young girls hearts" he flicks his leg up onto the big and smooths over his shiny shoes with a cloth, the cat comes on camera again and he watches over it to see where it's gone.
The tiles bellow him light up. Everything he touches shines with a bright while light. Like he's some sort of god.
"CUT" the director shouts when the second chorus stops on the playback
"Skylar we need you" Steve nods his head to me
I release myself from Jason's grip and he kisses my lips softly. I turn around to walk on the set, in front of the cameras and Michael rolls his eyes.
"Go over some of the dances" Steve speaks to me and Michael, not one of us in particular.
We both nod and I walk to Michael next to the big billboard that will be shown in the music video.
"I'm sorry" I whisper to Michael
"Let's just get this over and done with. So you can get back to your boyfriend" He snaps rolling his eyes back
I sigh and nod.
"So on that bit just kick your leg up and the camera will take a pic of you and it'll stay on the screen while there is two videos of you beside the photo still moving and dancing" I state to him
He nods "okay"
"Here" I say grabbing his waist and pushing him further onto the place he needs to actually stand for camera three, as camera three is shooting this scene.
He looks at me and furrows his eyebrows.
"Right now do what I said" I demand
He moves around dancing and I nod smiling slightly.
"Perfect" I smile
He nods "thanks"
"Take a break Mike" Steve shouts over to us
Michael smiles happily and walks away just leaving me in the middle of the set.
I walk off in order to find him.
"Have you seen Michael?" I ask Steve, he just disappeared
"He said he's going to his dressing room" he states looking at me
"Okay thanks!" I smile
"You like him don't you?" He questions
"What no!" I gasp
"I have a boyfriend Steve" I laugh
"Doesn't mean anything. If I was you and had a boyfriend...I would still fancy the pants off him. He's a good looking guy, talented..can dance, sing, write and could serenade you with his talent and intelligence. He's a sweet man. How could you not like him?" He asks
"Erm" I begin
"Go didn't your lover" Steve laughs
I walk away in shock. My lover??
Has Michael told him we've kissed before?? Better not have. I don't want Jason knowing thinking I still like him. And using him for whatever reason.

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