Chapter 2

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Hey Cuties! I hope you enjoyed the last chapter, and yes we know it was a litle bit short, but we tried to make this chapter a little bit longer. Hope you enjoy <3 Don't forget to comment your feedback.

:P Kaavya and Amelie :P

Chapter 2:

"My name is Camille. I like reading, writing, drawing and golf, " she said.

It's always the same thing every year. New students coming, awkward and forced introductions, and then talking about your feelings. I don't like talking, talking isn't the thing for me. I want to change this year though, I want a best friend, I want to leave my mother behind, maybe I'll run away.

"Hello? Drew?" my teacher called.

But will never be like that, everyone thinks I'm an idiot - even the teachers. Nothing will change this year, no matter how hard I try.

"Ouch, " I howled, "what's wrong with you new kid?"

I looked up - a boy pinched me. He was beautiful, his cheekbones were perfect, symmetric. I lost my mind in his emerald coloured eyes. I could see the gel that was smeared into his brown hair, I wish I could just ruffle his hair like in a romantic movies.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. Ummm, the teacher wants you to introduce yourself," he answered with a sad smile. God his teeth were so white, so perfectly aligned, they were sparking like the stars I see on the nights when I sleep on the streets.

"My name is Drew", I said awkwardly, I hate this part, "I like playing volleyball, horse riding, reading and swimming." My eyes trailed down to the floor. I knew everyone was staring, well almost everyone. The boy smiled directly at me.

"Thank you class, you are going to have to write an essay about yourself," Ms.Rayle repeated.

Taking my bag with one hand and throwing it over my shoulder, and clutching my notebook to my chest, I hear laughter. I turn around, and I see my phone and laptop are on the floor, cracked in fact. I don't look at anyone, I just squat down and pretend as if I was looking for something. Everyone just ignored me and left, everyone except him.

"Hey are you okay? By the way my name is Dwayne," he looked sad, he looked as if he wanted to say something but didn't know how to say it.

Slowly Dwayne opened his mouth, "Look I'm really sorry about your laptop. I have a feeling that you worked hard for that laptop and that your laptop and your phone aren't the only reason why you are sad. Do you want some water?"

He handed me his water bottle, he was so close to me that I could smell his deodorant, it smelled like the same deodorant that my grandpa used to wear before he died. My grandpa was the only one who really cared about me, he would tickle me until I would swear that I would die, and he would kiss me on the forehead at night to make me go to sleep. But he didn't last long; when I was five he was diagnosed with cancer and passed away after one year - he died when I was six. I couldn't help but let tears slide down my cheek. Dwayne looked like he was uncomfortable, I didn't want this - I don't want pity from a boy who thinks I'm an idiot. Suddenly my brain and legs were enemies. I wanted him to hug me so badly and tell me that it's okay, but my legs wanted to run. They wanted to run away from him, he who is just sitting there awkwardly.

Like lightning, I stood up and ran. I ran away from him. I didn't know where I was running but I was getting away. In front of my eyes was a stable, I don't know how long I have been running for, it must have been ten minutes, but with me being fast at running I have gotten quite far away from the the small town where I lived. I liked stables, although this wasn't the one I normally went to, I still felt safe. I burst through the doors of the stable and found the way through the building until I was on a field, there I saw a haystack. Slowing down I jogged to the haystack. Tears were streaming down my face. I couldn't live like this.

"Drew? Drew!"

I knew this voice, he had followed me. I didn't want to look up, but I knew the smell was getting stronger and he was coming closer. Suddenly I felt a arm around my shoulder, he was sitting next to me, yes him; Dwayne.

I don't know how long we sat there in silence, probably two hours. Not talking with him made me feel like I had a strong connection with Dwayne.

"Hey Drew, it's getting dark, you should probably go home," he whispered.

At that moment a new waterfall of tears ran down my face, why was I being such a bitch? I wasn't like this, I was strong, this wasn't me. Stoping myself from embarrassing myself even more, I nodded. He understood me, I knew he knew. I knew he knew that I didn't have a proper home. He leaned onto me and pressed me against I his chest. We sat like this for another hour; talking this time. I told him about me, about my whole story about how I woke up everyday feeling that this whole world hated me, and then our two pairs of eye started watching the sunset; the burning sun shining on my face remided me of my promises to myself; this year I will change - exactly how the sun changes it's brightness and possition through out the day. But the minute the sun faded away, I was reminded of reality.

"You can stay at my house tonight."

"No it's okay, I have to go now, bye Dwayne."

And so I left him alone, he was confused. Behind me was a confused Dwayne sitting on a haystack. A puzzled look on his face, him thinking what he did wrong.

"Good night Drew Kinksey."

"Good night Dwayne Rednem."

I don't know why, but although I just met him, it felt as if I had know him all my life.

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