Chapter 4

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Omighgosh efiejfiejfwifjoiwjfoqiwejfoirjfiejf - I love this chapter so much :P <3

Love, Amelie

My homework smelled like a deodorant that I have smelled before. I spinned around, knowing who had done my science homework, but I couldn’t believe it; how could he have found me in the town library, it was huge. My homework wasn’t the only thing that smelled like Dwayne’s deodorant, the deodorant was also in the air of the library, I knew he was here, I felt him. I stood up - trying to fix myself, so I don’t look like a hobo that just woke up. Slowly I followed my instinct and I found him; there he was. He looked exhausted, yet his hair was perfectly made, I saw that he got a new haircut; and I loved it.

“Oh, hey Drew!” Dwayne practically screamed.

I just waved. A billion questions flooded my mind, all waiting to barge out of my mouth. Why did he do my homework for me? Why was he here? Why did he care - wasn’t I just a piece of useless trash with no friends?

As if he had read my mind he whispered, “I followed you here to tell you something, but you were asleep already, with your homework in your hand - you looked exhausted - that’s why I did it for you, it’s not a big deal.”

He smiled at me with his pearl white teeth. God, my legs were turning into jelly - I just can’t help but to think that he is handsome. I smiled back.

“So what did you want to tell me, Dwayne?”

As if he wanted to avoid answering the question he grabbed my hand he pulled me out of the library while talking to me, “Drew! We have to go! We’ll be late for history class.”

We sprinted to school, with our legs hitting the ground at the exact same time - at the exact same speed. Dwayne noticed that I was getting tired - so he slowed down. I just looked at him in a confused look, but he just smiled back. I actually had no clue what he meant but I trusted him - more than I have ever trusted anyone.

Slamming our bodies into the chairs that were next to our desks - was such a relief. I couldn’t have been happier to be in school on time. I couldn’t quite concentrate for the next hour; all I had on my mind was one question; What did he want to tell me?

Our teacher; Ms.Olstorn announced that we had to pair up with the opposite gender to do a math project, everyone groaned, but personally I was relieved. I had to ask Dwayne what he needed to tell me.

“So tell me Dwayne, what did you want to tell me?” I asked him.

The classroom phone rang, but I didn’t pay attention - I really wanted to know. It bothered me so much not knowing - I had a bad habit of having to know everything.

“Well you know I told my mom-”

“Drew, please report to the principals office, ” Ms.Olstorn said in a low voice.

“May I escort Drew to the principals office?” he asked.

God, Dwayne - don’t ask these questions. Of course she is going to say no, you will only get yourself in trouble. Why do you have to ask these questions Dwayne, why?

“You may, whatever.” Ms.Olstorn said carelessly.

Dwayne and I exited the classroom and walked down the hall in complete silence. I don’t know how the principal office looked, I’ve never been there. Despite the issues with my mom I’m generally really good in school. I wanted to ask Dwayne again about what he wanted to tell me, but I didn’t. This silence between us - it was comfortable.

As I pushed open the door to the principal’s office, I noticed Dwayne giving me a weird look, it was like he knew what was going to happen next. I frowned, but I ignored it. I found three women sitting inside the principals office - my mother, and two other ladies. My mother was crying, I could tell - something was majorly wrong, my mother never cried. One woman gave me a huge smile, and the other genuinely smiled at me.

“Hello Dwayne darling. “ One of the women said.

“Hello mother,” Dwayne answered nervously.

Wait, what was happening. I didn’t understand. Why was going on with this other woman, my mother and Dwayne’s mother. That’s when I noticed the writing on Dwayne’s mothers t-shirt: New Jersey Unstable Family Organization. Suddenly my head started to spin and I had to lean on Dwayne’s shoulder to not fall over.

“Good morning darling, “ Dwayne’s mother exclaimed, “my name is Silvia and I’m Dwayne’s mother. Dwayne told me about your mother and family situation. Well I work at the New Jersey Unstable Family Organization program. This program helps unstable and helpless families that have problems. Your case was extreme, that’s why we decided that it would be better if you left your mother behind and started to live with this lady.”

Silvia pointed at the other lady sitting next to her - who tried to put up her best smile, but I saw the pity, for me, in her eyes. I couldn’t believe what was happening. I hated everyone in the world right now. All I wanted to do is die and go to hell. And so I repeated the thing that I did the other day with Dwayne.

I stood up and ran, ran away from everyone. I ran until I found the man made beach - the beach looked like a real beach - I ran and ran and stopped. I stopped at the point where the water hit shore, touching it’s blue body to my icy feet. Slowly sitting down I started processing what just happened. I didn’t want to speak to anyone, and Dwayne was just a bitch right now.

“Drew? Drew!”

It was him. I didn’t turn around. I just said coldly answered, “Go away bitch.”

“I’m not going to go away Drew, okay? I did this for your own good, “ his voice sounded so beautiful, god no Drew, stop it - he is the one who gave you away.

I could feel his body coming closer to my body. Once again my brain and heart didn’t want to work together, but my mind won and so I turned around and punched Dwayne in his perfect face. But my punch did nothing since Dwayne knew what was coming and stopped my fist. Then everything happened like lightning, he grabbed my face and started kissing me gently. His lips were soft with a taste of salt water, I couldn’t help but kiss him back so hard that we fell to the ground. But then I snapped myself back to reality.

"How could you?” I screamed.

“I’m sorry, I thought that you would have a better life with a family that cared about you.” he shouted back.

“You fucking bitch.” I said powerfully before crashing my lips on his lips once again.

I stepped away from him, his emerald eyes piercing through my aquamarine eyes. I decided to sleep here, here on the beach. I didn’t tell him but he could sense it.

“I’ll stay with you,” he whispered.

He looked at me shivering in my tank top and took of his shirt to give to me. I couldn’t help but stare at his abs, he smiled when he noticed. Lying down on the ground together - he pulled me into a hug. He was warm and hot, god his abs - Drew stop it! What the hell - I can dream about him as much as I want.

“You are a nice, sexy, bitch Dwayne.”

“Thank you Drew.”

“Good night Drew Kinksey.”

“Good night Dwayne Rednem.”

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2014 ⏰

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