Chapter Thirty Three: Let's Date

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"Come on Sena!! We both have a date today!! Pick up a dress!!"

"I'm not going to wear dress!!" Sena crossed her arm. Minyoung shook her head. "I don't care and I will drag you to my closet. Palli!!" She was now pulling Sena to her closet. "Now pick up any dress Missy." Sena rolled her eyes. "Fine." she started to picked some of the dress. After 15 minutes, they both done. They both looked so pretty and for the first time Sena use a make up. She been forced by Minyoung. They both now waiting for their date at the park. Minyoung was looking around and someone caught her eyes. He was wearing a simply t-shirt with ripped jeans and a hat. "Oppa!!" Minyoung ran to him and hugged him tightly. "Owff!!" he was shocked because Minyoung smashed her body on him. He hugged her back.

As for Xiumin who followed Sehun at the back saw Sena was sitting. He smiled because he saw Sena us a dress for their date. He ran towards her and back hugged her. It's been 3 months they both were dating. "Hey pretty." Xiumin kissed her cheek. She was blushing. Although they been together she still blushed for what Xiumin did to her."Hey handsome" she giggled. "Ready for date?" he face Sena. She smiled and nodded. He hand his arm and Sena accept it. "Awwh, look at those couple." Minyoung teased both of them. "Hyung, take care of my sister arasso?" Sehun said to Xiumin. Xiumin rolled his eyes."I'm the one who should said that. Take care of my sister." Minyoung laughed and Sehun was taken back with his word. "Aigoo, Sehun oppa." Minyoung lightly punched his arm. He looked at her and steel a kiss from her. She was shocked. "Yah!" she slapped again on his arm. "Urgh, we should leave both of them oppa." Sena said to Xiumin. He nodded. "Let's us go first then."

"You guys are cruel." Minyoung pouted. All of them laughed.

They decided to went to an Orphanage place. It's been a while they visit them. Except for Sena. It's her first time visit. "Hyung!! Noona!!" the kids scream as they surrounded 4 of them. One of them pulled Sena dress. She looked at the kid and bend to her level. "Are you Xiumin oppa girlfriend?" the little girl said. Sena was shocked with her question. She didn't answer the little girl question. "If yes, you're lucky unnie. Oppa is a good looking and has a beautiful girlfirend." she said excitedly. She laughed and ruffled her hair. While that, Sena looked at Xiumin and saw him were surround with kids. He was laughing and smiled with them. Sena couldn't helped and smiled too. Then Xiumin caught her looking at him and winked at her. She rolled the eyes.

"Sehun oppa!! Sehun oppa!! Play with me!!" one of the kids say while jumping. "Okay!! Let's play!!" Sehun carried the girl and swang her around. "WOOOWW~" she screamed. Minyoung was laughing how childish was Sehun.

Suddenly someone closed Sena eyes."Follow me." he whispered. "But I can't see." she said. He opened his hand and looked at Sena."Oppa."

"Let's hang out outside." Xiumin said to her. She nodded


They both were holding hands together. It's sunny day so it's a good weather for them. "So we going to leave them here?" Sena asked Xiumin. Xiumin had an idea and he kissed on Sena lips. Sena was confused. "You just make an idea. Let's get out of here." he pulled Sena. "But-" before she could say anything, they were already running. Since Xiumin decided not to use his car, they ride bus instead. It was so crowded since it's Saturday. The bus doed not have seat so they have to stand. They trip were a bit bumped. "Wow" Sena almost fell but luckily with Xiumin flexible he could catch Sena in time. Now Sena's body were near on Xiumin's chest. She was blushing hard. Xiumin hold her tightly. "Stay with me." he said and Sena could just nodded.

They arrived at their destination. They were in the Namsan Tower. They went to the cable car. They took a lot of pictures. They also went for a pad lock. Each of them buy and write on something. Sena wrote on her pink padlock 'I Love Baozi' She giggled with the name she put on Xiumin. While Xiumin he write 'I Love Silly' He also laughed on what he wrote. They both didn't give a looked on each of the padlock so, they decided to locked together and there. Pink and Blue padlock. "Next time, we will came back here and see what we wrote it." Sena nodded in agreed.

They went to take some pictures with the view. They both having fun liked making some silly things together. Xiumin even steel some kisses on Sena's cheek or lips every time she doing something and that make Sena blushing everytime.


While that, Sehun and Minyoung were still at the Orphanage place. "Aigoo, where are those lover birds?" Sehun asked. Minyoung shurgged her shoulder. Sehun looked around and he slapped himself. "They leave us here." he said it and the kids climb on his shoulder. He was now on the floor. He was liked being slave by the kids. Minyoung just laughed at Sehun. "Aren't going to help me?" he said in irritating. She giggled and went to get Sehun. "Okay kids. That's enough for today." Minyoung said. "Awwh." they said in sad. "Kids, enough playing okay? They need to go now." the teacher said to kids.

They kids obeyed the teacher and Minyoung and Sehun got out of there. "Thanks for coming again both of you. You guys should bring the others. They really missed them especially Kris." Minyoung laughed to the teacher. "Nae, Mrs. Wong. I'll tell them that the kids missed them."The teacher tapped on Minyoung shoulder and also Sehun. "Have fun both of you." she said and went inside. Minyoung glanced at Sehun and he was with his poker face. "Still mad?" she asked. He didn't answer. "Ayyee. What can I do for you to make you forgive me?" Minyoung pouted. Sehun looked at her. He wasn't mad at her. He just want to teased on her. He went closer and kissed on Minyoung lips. She was shocked. "Yah!!" she said and again Sehun kissed her. This time she was blushing. He giggled and grabbed her hand, interlocked with his hand."Let's go date." He said.

Minyoung smiled and tipped toe to kissed his cheek. "Let's go for some movie." she said. Sehun nodded and they went to their car. "Oh!! Xiumin oppa car wss still here." Minyoung said. They park their car beside Sehun's car. "They must have gone with bus then." Sehun said. "But Xiumin never ride one." Sehun shrugged his shoulder and both of them went in his car.

They went for a movie and Minyoung picked a horror movie. They buy some popcorn and went in the cinema. As the movie start, it's was dark and suddenly the ghost appeared infront of the screen and Minyoung tucked her head on Sehun's shoulder. "You're the one who pick this movie and you the one who scared." Sehun whispered to her. "Shut up. Eck!!" she screamed. Sehun took this advantage and he wrapped his arm around Minyoung. 'Wow, she was really scared.' he thought said and he could felt Minyoung was already cried. He tried to comfort her.

It's was the end of the movie and Minyoung was still shaking. She couldn't even walked properly so Sehun had to hold her. 'Stupid me!! I thought he would scared but I'm the only one who do that!!' her thought said. Sehun looked at her and smiled. "That was fun" She dead glared at him. "Funny." she said. Sehun looked at her and knew that she was not in the mood. So he decided to dragged her to the photobooth machine. It's for the people to took some pictures.

Firstly, they make a peace sign. Second they do some agyeo. Next, Sehun kissed on Minyoung's cheek with her shocked face. Lastly, with unexpected things happened when Minyoung was about to turned to kiss Sehun's cheek, he turned around and their lips meet. They both were shocked and the pictures took their face. They broke the kissed and both of them were blushing.



Sorry for the late updated :)

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