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Something is at work in a beautiful town called Magnolia, were something evil.

Under the cover of darkness it strikes without warning taking life whenever it pleases it can't be controlled I see what it sees no one can save me, no matter how hard I try every night it gang's control and it feeds on the people of Magnolia, I can remember the first victim it killed, I can see her face, the color of her hair, the look in her eyes.

(Flash back)

No Please Don't Kill Me Natsu please,...Snap out of it Natsu please N-Nooo (srceam, blood speryed, body falls to the - ground)

I killed her I killed the woman I loved OMG Lizanna,

( Foot steps running away )

Someone saw me Kill her I need to hide some where no one can find me where I can't hurt anyone.

But where's the fun in that.
( Evil laugh )

No get out of my head.

Authors Note*

I do not own Fairy Tail
Only the story,
And please I love any ideas that you guys think of for this story
Comment and Vote thank you guys for reading.

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