The Warrior of God

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~Lucy's POV~
Levy and I were trying to find a spell to help Natsu
But none of the spells were strong enough,
I came across a book that said
'The Warrior of God'
Thinking out loud i said
"That's a strange name for a book"
Then Levy came over from the table she was sitting at and said

"whats A strange name for a book?"
And I showed Levy the book she took it from my hands and read the cover
"The Warrior of God..that is a strange name but its a spell book no harm looking at it"

"Your right" i replied and we went and sat down at the table that we were working from
And we began to read.

~2 hour Later~

After a couple hours we finished the book and Levy and I were convinced that we found the book to help Natsu we quickly ran upstairs to the guilds main hall to show master Makarov what we found

"Master I think we found the solution to save Natsu" I said as i laid the book down on the bar
Everyone gathered
Master Makarov pick up the book and read the cover

"Warrior of God"
Master Makarov looked up at us and said are you certain of this book ?"

"Yes were both certain" Levy said

"Then go summon this Warrior of God"
Master Makarov said as he handed the book to us
"Yes Master" Levy said
"Right" i said

"Use the back of the guild to summon this Warrior of God"

"Come on Lucy lets summon this guy and save your boyfriend"
Levy said running away,

I yelled chasing after her

After i chased Levy to the back of the Guild i finally caught up to her and hit her on top of the head
She fell to the ground with anime tears holding the top of her head
I took the book and started to find the page to summon the Warrior i found the page and put the book on a table

"Okay to cast the spell we need to wright
Warrior of God on the ground then to
Form a cross in the middle of a circle then we say the words to summon him"
I said as Levy did every thing i said,
Then i started speaking in a foreign tongue

"Bellator autem Deus ego summonitores
Vos ut auxilium quia inveniam viam meam Bellator autem Deus ego summonitores vos!!" I finished the say foreign words .......Nothing happened

"Did you say the words right?"
Levy asked'
"Yes" i said checking the words...."At least I think i did"

"Try saying them again"
Levy suggested

"Right--- Bellator autem Deus ego summonitores vos ut auxilium quia inven meam"
I started saying the words again this time the cross in the circle started to glow a gold,
"Bellator autem Deus ego summonitores vos!!"
I finished
Now the whole circle is glowing
And the air became cold the ground began to shake

~In the Guild hall~

Everyone was quiet as they felt the magic power,

"Master are you alright?"
Mira said with a concerned face
"This magic power is more powerful than that dragon acnologia"
Makarov said worried,

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