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"It's been awhile Taurus miss me"

"H..H..How a..are you alive" said Taurus terrified, "You died can this be?"

"Taurus you know this Monster!?"
"Oh he knows me alright but to answer your question spirit i never died" as E.n.d said this terrified looks appeared on Lucy's, Gray's, and Happy's face,
For Taurus he got more serious

"What do you mean you never die every thing dies no matter what"
Taurus yelled spitting venom
At E.n.d rushing towards him and swinging his axe,

"You see instead of dieing i go to the Under world you say regenerat my powers..but when you so and so killed me i trained for four hundred years until 2 years ago the day i was summoned" End said dodgeing Taurus axe easily

"What!?" Said Taurus shocked

As End kicked him in the stomach sending him backwards crashing into the team that were watching them fight
Taurus stood more terrified

"Who would summon a Master that feeds on nothing but innocent people"
Gray yelled,

"Aye who would summon someone like you" Happy said helping Gray up

"Oh you met him before on island cant you feel his magic its as powerful as mine"
End said as he released all of his magic power,
Taurus stood up and got in a battle stance and did the as End releasing magic

"Thi magic power its is the like that man that we found" Lucy thought to herself,

"What do mean we met him already"
Gray said worried,

"That man from earlier?"
Happy said with his hand the air
Making sweat drop appear on Lucy and Gray's head
"No Happy we were talking about a fish
Lucy replied sarcastically
"FISH!!!" Happy yelled drooling
"Shut up!!! All of you!!!"
End yelled lunching forward at Taurus
But Gray unleash his maker magic like it was his last day on earth

But it was useless because End just melted Gray's ice

"Ice make excalibur!"
Gray yelled,

"Blade dragon"
End said holding out his hand as a sword Appeared

(CLASH)as Lucy and Happy watch the ice mage and the celestial spirit fight the Monster now known to them as E

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as Lucy and Happy watch the ice mage and the celestial spirit fight the Monster now known to them as E.n.d,
"Rrraaa...I'm going to kill you"
Gray said pushing End back,
And Taurus came up behind him swinging his axe down at End but End easily dodged

"Haha that will be a neat trick since I can't die"
E.n.d replied,

Jumping forward swinging his sword at Gray
Gray tries to block it but his sword shatters and E.n.d's blade slashes across Gray's chest making blood spray acrossed Ends body
A look of horror was on Lucy's and Happy's face
Grays body hits the ground
"GRAAAYY!!!!" Lucy yells as she runs up to Grays body

Taurus was to shocked to see End charging at him but be for
End could reach him a light magic hit him away.

*Author Note
Hey guys sorry for being so short
I was running out of ideas
For this chapter
But the next one will be at least 1000 words long so see you next time.

(Next chapter)

"The Truth"

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