Seeing through it's Eyes

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Lucy's POV,

"ICE MAKE LANCE" Gray yelled to strike the monster that was hiding,

Then it spoke to tease Gray,
"Oh did touch a nerve (evil laugh)
I'm not going to eat you souls now I'm going to wait I have to to deal with something first (evil laugh)
Then there was silence

"Uh where'd did it go....and what was it talking about it has something to take care of first?" Happy said,

I didn't answer because I was lost in thought, "that voice it sounded so familiar...and that power it almost felt like that time 2 years it can't be theirs no way"

Gray tried to get my attention,
"Um Lucy...... Hello Lucy you there"

"OH...sorry what did you say Gray?" I said startled,

"Yeah um are you ok? look like you've seen a ghost"

"Aye" Happy added

I looked away to where we heard the monster and said, "I probably just did"
"But you didn't we didn't see anything"
Happy said sarcastic, a tick mark appear above my head "shut up cat or I'll have you for dinner" Happy got scared and flew to Gray saying, "Gray she's going to eat meeeeee!"

Gray looked at me with a concerned look on his face, "well that's just mean"
He said looking away, "Wait! thats not......uugggh" I said annoyed,

"Come on let's go find that beast before it harms someone else" Gray said walking away,

I started to follow him when something grabbed me and everything was black

~END/Natsu POV~


"NO!! I'm not letting you out" I yelled to myself,

"And why the hell not!" My Demon replied

"Because I'm not letting you hurt my

"Oh boohoo" "i dont want my friends geting hurt Waaaa waaa Waa wa" "your like a baby you dont know what your crying for but there you are crying like a baby"

"Well your like a damn two year old that
Doesn't gets way so it throws a fit"

"Hey wise a@# I'm the one that says insults here"

"Oh really!?! So what I'm I supposed to say huh you red hipster"

"Says the guy with pink hair"

"IT'S SALMON!!!" I yelled finishing the argument when someone yelled

His magic hit me and sent a root through my hip causing me to grunt in pain, "ow mother F#$%% piece of sh$!
Ooww man that hurts"

"Sh#$ no you dont Raaaaaaaaa"

(Evil laugh) "yes! What was that about not letting me out" (laugh) END said, while transforming and pulling us off the root,

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