La la love

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Sorry for not updating for a looonnngg time. Ive been busy with my final exam (3 weeks exam duh) and its hard to connect with wifi at my school ( i studying in boarding school ) I sat on few subject few days ago and having a mental breakdown right now. I gave up on studying

And I decided to stan sf9 after hearing now or never (i know i'm late) and I watched sky castle. The drama is really sad I cried a lot. I also watch Beautiful world and crying like ugly. I really enjoy watching sad drama

If you know any good drama that are really sad ( especially drama about family) you can suggest it to me. Sharing is caring right ;)

And I'm on my diet now since I am fasting (happy fasting!) I lost 4 kg in a week last week but this week I gain a lot I dont know whyy ㅠ-ㅠ

Today I have physic test and tomorrow I have english and history but I'm too lazy to study. Please give me motivation :'((

Btw thank you for support the book 1 and book 2.

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