Chapter One

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Yeosang hated the sun.

Okay, that was a lie, he loved the sun. It was one of his favorite things, maybe ever. He loved it so much, he would gladly lay beneath it and let it burn him to crisps. Okay, that was a lie too because he was fucking terrified of cancer. He always wore sunscreen.

It was Tuesday, and he had (most probably) just failed his Art History midterm. This was (most probably) awful, as he was only in his third semester at one of the most prestigious art schools in Korea and he could not afford to lose his scholarship.

So today, he hated the sun. He exited the orange lecture building and shrugged his tattered Naruto bag angrily over his shoulder. He squinted, holding a hand up to his eyes, the sun mocking him with its warmth and blinding light when everything Yeosang felt was grey grey grey.

He trudged across campus, rolling his eyes at the piles of art students scattered across the grass and littering the stairs. They all looked completely zenned out, smoking and laughing like they had not a care in the world. It was midterms week, what the fuck was wrong with them? Yeosang sped up, shoving his headphones over his bright blue beanie, he turned his music all the way up.

. . .

It was long past dinner time when Wooyoung burst into Yeosang's dorm room, a huge grin plastered on his face.

"Hyung, where the shit were you? You never miss dinner!" He was out of breath, probably having sprinted all the way from the cafeteria.

Yeosang rolled his eyes. "Don't swear unless you're gonna do it well, Wooyoung."

Wooyoung pouted, throwing himself down on the bed next to Yeosang, who had been lying there, upside down, for the past five hours.

"Yah- what's going on?" Wooyoung jabbed Yeosang's ribs.

"Nothin- Seriously Wooyoung?!" Yeosang rolled away from his best friend, who had just pulled off his socks, sticking his ice cold feet between Yeosang's bare legs.

Wooyoung let out a loud cackle, but quickly shut up when he saw how genuinely upset his hyung seemed.

"Hey, Sangie-Hyung, what's wrong?" the blonde said softly.

Yeosang sighed, swinging an arm over his eyes. "I flunked my midterm today."

"Which one?"

"Art History," the brown-haired boy groaned, adding "fucking useless class."

"Are you sure you failed?" Wooyoung asked.

"I'm pretty damn sure. I didn't recognize a single architectural structure" He went on, "and when I fail, I lose my scholarship. Which means no more college and no more art school in London." Yeosang slid his hand off his eyes and ran it through his pillow abused hair; his eyes were dark, hopeless.

Wooyoung nudged him again. "Hey I'm sure you did fine, you always manage to get by." Suddenly the younger boy's eyes lit up, "and if you didn't, don't worry! I know my parents wouldn't mind helping you out!"

Yeosang looked sharply at his best friend. "I'm not taking your fucking money, Woo."

"You're not taking it, Yeo, I want to help-"

"Wooyoung? We're not having this conversation again." Yeosang suddenly sat up, knocking his knee against the wall next to his bed. "Ouch."

Wooyoung sighed dramatically.

It was quiet for a moment before the bedroom door opened and Yeosang's ridiculously long roommate sauntered in.

"What up, my dudes?" Yunho grinned at the two of them, raising his eyebrows suggestively. "Am I interrupting something?" he asked, feigning shock.

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