Chapter Four

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There was only one person on campus who anticipated getting up at ungodly hours of the morning.

His alarm had barely begun bleating when Jongho shot up in bed, hand flying out and silencing the ring. Five A.M and everything was dark. Jongho grinned and slid off his mattress, grabbing his gym clothes off the back of his desk chair before padding into the bathroom. The mirrored shelf above the sink was open and cluttered, like someone had been hastily rummaging through it. Jongho cursed inwardly and did his best to straighten it out, but soon gave up and closed the glass door. There was no amount of tidying he could do that would keep the messed up cabinet from going unnoticed by Seonghwa. He resigned to pulling on his gym clothes, wrapping a brace around his left knee and tying up his sneakers. He tried to do a quick job of brushing his teeth, but got distracted by the muscle tee he had on and started flexing in the mirror.

Eventually, he pulled himself together and went to collect his phone and water bottle from the bedside table. There was a bit of wiggle to his step as he headed for the door leading to the hallway; he hadn't even gotten out of the dorm room and his endorphins were already soaring. He pulled quietly at the doorknob, trying not to wake his roommate. But the morning wasn't kind to him, and it stuck. He sighed silently, knowing what came next wasn't going to be pretty (or quiet). Carefully, he grasped the doorknob and shook it, before yanking it sharply to the left. It let out a terrible squeak, and Jongho's insides deflated, but the door swung open. He turned as he began to walk through the doorway, checking quickly to make sure he hadn't woken San. He hadn't. San was fast asleep, one arm thrown above his head, his mouth slightly open, soft snores rippling in the air. Jongho grinned triumphantly before his gaze slid to the left, and he found himself staring into a pair of confused, sleep-addled eyes, illuminated slightly by the warm light from the hallway. He stepped back in surprise, quickly taking in San and this stranger's tangled position and minimal amount of clothing.

"What the fuck, San?" Jongho breathed, and shaking his head, walked out of the dorm room, closing the door behind him.

. . .

The door closed, and Yeosang was thrown into darkness. He felt flushed and warm, like he had been yanked from the deepest of sleep. He waited a few moments for his eyes to adjust to the room around him. Shit. Shitshithshit. Yeosang was suddenly very awake. He felt an odd sense of deja-vu, like the past few days had been exactly that: head heavy, mind fogged; and then awake awake awake. He wasn't in his dorm room; the godforsaken muscle boy had given away that much... but he wasn't alone either.

Yeosang swallowed a yelp, realizing all at once that the comfortable warmth he felt was due to him being wrapped around a sleeping boy. He scrambled away as gently as he could, desperately feeling below his bare abdomen. His pants were on, Wooyoung's Gucci belt still secured tightly around his hips.

"Thank fuck" Yeosang breathed, barely a whisper.

He hadn't slept with the boy. Okay, scratch that. He hadn't had sex with him.

Yeosang didn't take any more time figuring out what had happened the night before. He just needed to get out, and far far away from the guy he'd just been canoodling.

Half rolling, half sliding out of the bed, he dropped to the floor and began feeling around for his discarded clothes. He found his Docs and phone by the bedside table; he grabbed the device and used the low light from his screen to search out the pile of gauze that had served as his shirt. He pulled on his boots and shrugged himself into the blouse. Pulling himself off the carpet of the dorm room, he crept towards the door, anxious to get home and cleanse himself of the previous night's activities. He stood, and felt his mind go spinning, his vision white. He grabbed the edge of the table, squeezing his eyes shut and letting out a gasp, waiting for his brain to calm down. Fuck, he had a major hangover... and a midterm later that day. Fucking design majors.

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