Part 5

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Reiji stood at the door. He was blocking the exit, meaning I couldn't leave unless I knock him out. I chuckled as I gripped the girl with two fingers on her neck. She began to struggle as I felt her suddenly limp. She was unconscious as I placed her gently on the floor. I made sure to see if her heart was still beating until I stood up.

I didn't had time for this. My thirst was too much.

Just play it cool.

"Ohh, Reiji. I didn't see you there. I believe you have trouble reading signs, because this is not a place for you." I moved back and laid against the wall. I then lifted my face to look at him.

"This is the girl's bathroom after all."

I took a minute to examine his face. To my surprise, he looked pissed. And when I say he looked pissed.

I mean he looked pissed.

His eyes seemed to be switching between magenta and red as his eyebrows were draw together as he looked at me. One of his hands were in his pocket, the other was in a fist at his side. Even though his expression didn't reveal his emotions, I could feel his anger coming from him.

He cleared his throat as my eyes went to it.

It'll be nice to have a knife through it.

I looked back into his eyes and saw something changed in them.

"Ms. Joilo. I demand to know the reason as to why you're at this private school. The last time I checked, you're out of age for a place like this." He asked. As if on cue, the bell rang as I got off the wall. Still making eye contact with him, I began to walk towards him. It wasn't until I was an inch away from his feet that I replied.

"Not Ms. Joilo at this place. It's Jessica Violet now. And I'll answer your question once I get something in return." I told him. My expression turned serious as I trailed my fingers along his neck. My eyes were on his neck as my head started to throb.

Damn it!

I stood straight tall as I looked back into his eyes. I opened my mouth to speak until he beat me to it.

"You're desperate need of blood?" He sighs as he pulled my head to his neck. "Very well, I guess it can't be helped." I didn't hesitate as I bit down onto his neck.

I drank as I put my hand on his cheek. I caressed it as I put my other hand in his shoulder. His blood wasn't as good as a human's, but it'll help me make it through the day until I find another human.

After a moment, I finally pulled back and licked my lips. I looked at Reiji as he didn't seemed bother by the bite in bit. I smiled at him as I saw his eyes slightly widen.

I guess I still have that affect on the boys.

"Thank you Reiji. I believe I do own you one." I spoke as I pulled away from him. I looked for my bag and found it on the ground. I picked it up as I felt a presence behind me.

"That is statement true. And make sure I don't catch you pulling this stunt again Dina." As he spoke, I couldn't  deny the familiar chills that went down my spine as he spoke. Reiji left as I no longer felt his presence. I looked around and saw the girl on the floor. I sighed as I knew I couldn't leave her here.

"Alright Ms. Blacky Blue. Please keep your hands and feet to yourself at all times as I will kindly carry you through the hallways." As I was talking, I was picking the girl up and putting her on my back. A piggy back is the easiest way for me anyways.

I exited the bathroom and looked down the halls. I smirked as I knew no one would be in my way as I began the search of the nurse office.

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