Part 10

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The bell ranged as I stood up from my desk. I grabbed my bag as I felt a pit of eyes on me. I looked around and saw the creepy boy watching me from his desk.

His purple eyes matched his hair as he stood there with his bear. His aura was still  somehow comfortable, but and my feelings about him still hasn't changed however. Even though I don't care what he done to me anymore, he's still creepy as hell.

Finally, after everyone left, he sighs and whispered something to his Teddy, then left the classroom. I stood there dumbfounded.

What the f*ck was that?! I rather he speak then stare at me in silence and whisper sh*t about me.

I copied his sigh as I walked out of class. I thought about the time and realized it was 12:29 pm.

I went to the cafeteria and sat down at the empty table by myself. I sat down and didn't eat my food. Instead, I got on my phone and looked through Pinterest.

I then looked at the Sakamaki's table and found four of the six brothers instead. Latio, Reiji, Shu, and Kanato now. I had no idea where the hell Subaru was. I was on edge, because I also haven't seen Ayato since I kicked him in his d-

Anddd I feel someone staring at me.

Looking around, I found that the girl from the bathroom was watching me. Blacky Blue seemed to jumped when she saw me staring back at her. She turned her back towards me as I heard her mumble words. After a few minutes of her talking to herself, she stomped towards me.

Wow, this is bad. She's gonna make a scene.

And let me tell you, I'm not gonna let her tell me off.

She waited until she was at my table and stood on the other side of the table. Her face was puffed as her blue eyes looked angry. I sighed as I looked up from my phone. I took one earbud out and looked at her.

"May I help you?" My voice was bold and clear. I had no time for this BS, and I would like to act like this little thing never happened.

But of course, people have twice the mind of a fly and loved to make things difficult.

Or maybe I'm just a vampire jerk.

"Yes!" Her confidence vanished as she tried to find the right words. I raised an eyebrow at her as I felt an audience watching us from the other tables. Losing my patience, I broke the silence.

"Oh! Is this about yesterday? I'm sorry, I had a bad day and accidentally spilt my drink on you. Even though someone gave you their jacket, I didn't know you would still have a bone to pick." I lied with a believable voice. Her eyes widened as I heard people whispering as the scene unfolded.

"She's mad about a spill?"

"She's so chillish, it was just a drink and she's mad about that?"

"Dang! And I thought it was about to get good..."

I sighed as I stood up from my seat. Leaving with my food, I went to leave the cafeteria. But before I did, I went by her to whisper something into her ear.

"If you really wanted attention, you could've gave me your number." I chuckled as I heard her heartbeat picked up and left the cafeteria after I dumped my trash.

I smirked at myself and shook my head.

Damn, I became such a jerk.

And I'm okay with that.

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