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Bastian gets up with excitement as he looks up on the sky from the windows of his hotel room. "Boa dia, Rio de Janeiro!" He uttered in joy. Little did he know, this day would be the best part of his travels from this world's most festive place. He washed his face and fixed himself to go to the restaurant downstairs.

He brought his camera to capture some moments this morning. Some money to buy goodies and collectibles, and himself as the traveler, of course. While walking down the hallway the hotel attendants are greeting him with such big smiles and uplifting spirit. Maybe it is the Carnibal parade tonight that races their hearts right now.

"Good morning, sir. What's your order?" A waiter then hands the menu to him.

"One Marzipan and a cup of cappucino, please."

"For a moment, sir."

He waited for his order. While waiting, he's looking around and the people seem to be so happy right now. Then a huge bag smacked on his face. He then got angry. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry!" The bag owner apologized. "Next time, don't hasten yourself upon walking, OK?" He blurted to that man and calmed himself afterwards. "Aye aye, captain!" The guy then saluted unwillingly. Of course, all of the people still kept their eyes on them. Instead of painting anger on to his face, he just open his camera to record the vicinity of the coffee shop on his video. Yes, he's a YouTuber. Well-known for his travel getaways across the globe. Unexpectedly, that guy waved when Bastian's camera accidentally spotted him.

"Here's your marzipan and capuccino, Sir." Bastian replied 'Thanks' in Portuguese.

When he finished his meal he decided to walk along the streets of Rio de Janeiro. The streets were full of festive designs and the signages also manifest the festivity. A group of women havr just passed his way. They were wearing peacock dresses and big headdresses.

"Sir! Hello!" Someone greeted him. He looked to whom that voice came from. "This is me. The guy who accidentally slapped the bag your face." And the guy is seemingly happy and persistent. Bastian suddenly walk the other way and the guy still follows him. "By the way, I'm Lukas. I'm also a tourist here at Rio. How about you?" Bastian irately replied, "Who cares?" Lukas giggled. "Who cares? I guess that's me." He was very congenial while talking to Bastian. That's him. He's fond of playing with others. Seeing life as full of surprises and luck. That's Lukas at a glance. His smile is like a golden ring. It doesn't tarnish and won't vanish.

"Could you please stop following me?!" Bastian bursted in anger. He was very anguished.

"I won't until you smile." Lukas excitedly looked at Bastian's face and no smile lined on his face.

"You know what. You're a fraud," Lukas voiced out to him. Bastian then faced him. "What? What did you call me?" He then clenched his fist and was about to punch Lukas' face. "You're a fraud! You just seem to be happy on your videos. And truth is you're not really happy. You're just tiring yourself to gain popularity and devouring for fame. Don't be a bitch. Now I know who you really are. Famewhore! I am one of your fans. I guess I was wrong to follow your footsteps." Then he left to walk towards another direction.

Bastian was devastated because of what Lukas told him. It was indeed the truth he has been hiding. But he cannot accept it. He then asked himself. "What have I done?" Then while wandering around the streets he tried to look over for Lukas. He thinks he needs to apologize for what he did. And so, it is an eye-opening event for him. He suddenly remember why he wanted to travel around the world. To share it to the people and educate them. That's his reason before until lately he wanted attention and fame.

On the other side, Lukas got frustrated because of what he learned. He saw how devious Bastian was. But then, he also commited a mistake. "I shouldn't have told him that." He told himself. He stopped over on a beach and sat on the sands. He opened his camera and record every moments. Then a stereo banged his ears, playing Mas Que Nada by Sergio Mendes. Some people dances and he joined them. It is also his chance to capture on of the best moments here in Rio. "Party! Party!" He shouted out loud. And the people around also shouted with good vibes and full of joy.

The night comes and Bastian came just right to the place of Carnibal. The people wore different shirts and each is distinctive. But some are wearing rainbow-colored shirts because they wanted to give emphasis on support on any floats. The beat of the drums boomed the ears of the spectators. While hearing the sound of the band marching the people are now uproar and hooting for their respective floats. This event is immense. Bastian is also wearing a rainbow shirt. The first float begins to unveil itself. He felt so much thrill when he saw a number of ladies having an exhibition while in the float. Lukas is now recording the whole event on his camera. He is also wearing a rainbow shirt. His smile is so big. It's seems to him that this festival is for him. He is also dancing while the percussions are throbbing his heart. "This is euphoric! Indeed, one of the most festive festivals in the world!" He voiced out with so much happiness while seeing the third float.

Lukas is now circling the camera to capture the crowd. And of course, accidentally, he captured Bastian. What's more surprsing is that they are only three seats apart from one another. His eyes twitched and turned himself on recording his video. Bastian felt guilty again because of what he did. So he turned himself on the parade. Until the three seaters have gone and the gap between them is going smaller and smaller until their arms touched one another. "I'm here with Basti! I'm so glad that I saw him personally." Lukas focused the camera on Bastian and he smiled to him. "No kidding! Basti's beside me!" Then he put his arms on Bastian. He somehow felt that he's quite for Lukas for no reason.

"That's the best from you, Basti. Smile even more, please." Lukas faced Bastian and waited for him to smile. And so he did it! Then Bastian focused the camera on them both.

And then the music mix of We Are One by Pitbull caused the crowd to have euphoric feelings while seeing the next float. Along with it, the drums are again throb the hearts of the crowd, including Bastian and Lukas who are now newly reconciled ones.

Bastian's dancing along with the song, and so as Lukas. They are fluttering their arms while grooving with the tune.

The crowd have gone gaga upon hearing Shakira's song La La La. And guess what, Shakira is on the float while singing it. As expected, the crowd roars and gone wild while Shakira's float is passing them.

On the other side, Bastian faces Lukas.

"Lukas, again, I'm sorry for what I've done." Bastian is very remorseful of that.

"It's OK!" Lukas reached Bastian's hand for a handshake. And he said, "Friends?" Then Bastian hugged him. "Yes, but could it be if more than friends?" Lukas startled and looked at him and a smile drawn on his face. "Of course! Who am I to refuse a love request from a beautiful man?"

And they kissed each other.

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