GRAND CENTRAL PARK(A Neuller fanfic)

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Grand Central Park.

"The sun is shining at east right now!" Thomas uttered happily while sitting beside his better half, Manuel.

"Of course, it does! Unless, you place the sun on the west and make it shine there." Manuel sarcastically said to Thomas.

Unnoticeably, their children noticed that they are like fighting again. So they approach their parents.

"Dad, are you fighting again with Daddy?" Stephen, their boy, asks that to Manuel.

"No, we're not, baby. Look, dad's smiling to daddy!" And then he faced Thomas.

"But daddy, you two just fight." Darlene, their girl, is still in disbelief. So Thomas hugged her tight and tickled her.

They have decided to walk and circle the whole park. So they walk as a family. Of course, for some, it's weird. But for many, it's cute. Actually, they have just passed a group of women saying, "Wow! What a cute and wholesome family." It also seems to them that those women adore their children.

Thomas lifted the little girl and kiss her cheeks. Also, he's making a quirky face and Darlene would suddenly smirk, then laugh. While Stephen is pinching Manuel's nose. "What a scenery!" A group of gays look up on them.

Anyway, Thomas is the total opposite of Manuel. He's a quirky, 'easy come, easy go', and a positive individual. Manuel is quite serious when taking things. He's not that blatant in love like Thomas do. But then, Thomas captivated him in a fantasy-like world.

Their kids are eating their ice creams. "How cute are they, Manu?" Thomas asks Manuel. Without a pint, Manuel answers him, "Just like you, honey." Thomas then kissed Manuel's cheek. "That's what I really like about you, my love. Even in serious situations, you still don't forget to appreciate beauty." Manuel smirked. "Are you sure you're really that beautiful?" He teases Thomas. "But this only says you're beautiful, my baby," Thomas said it while pointing on his heart. Manuel blushed and hugged his only love.

"Daddy! Daddy!" Stephen shouted and Thomas and Manuel approached Stephen. "What is it, Stephen?" Manuel asked his son. Their son suddenly bursted tears. "Darlene is lost!" He blurted while crying. The two startled in nowhere. "Manu, find her there." Then Manuel hushes their son. "It's OK baby. We're going to find your sister." But Manuel can't conceal this feeling of worry for his daughter. They are finding Darlene by asking for query from other people. As time goes by, Manuel is slowly feeling frustration. But he must not give up for his beloved daughter. Stephen is also asking the people around. Thomas is still finding Darlene by also querying other people. He doesn't want to go home without her. So he asked for help from the security guards and roamed around the whole. Manuel shed some tears while walking because he doesn't want to lose their daughter. "Dad, are you crying?" Stephen noticed. Manuel hastily wiped his tears and replied, "No, I'm not. Dad's not crying." Manuel then hugged his son too tight and cried hard enough as possible. Stephen also cried. They both don't wanna lose their beloved Darlene.

Thomas is still in search for her daughter. He called Manuel. "Have you found her?" Manuel can't say a thing, until he broke down. " I still can't find her." He deeply groaned in agony. He now thinks it's his fault. "Hush now, hon. We can find her." And Manuel wiped his tears again.

Manuel and Stephen are still roaming around. Until they saw a little girl feeding ducks at a pond. And she's Darlene! "Oh my god! I finally found you!" Manuel uttered in joy. He dialed Thomas' number. "Hon, I found her! I found her!" Then Thomas is in tears right now. "Officer, my husband fpund our daughter already. Thanks for helping me." He happily thanked the security officers and they smiled back at Thomas. Then he ran so fast to quickly reach the area. "Oh my god! Darlene!" He suddenly ran towards his family and hugged their daughter. "Where have you been, baby? Manuel asked Darlene. "I saw the ducks and I joined with them!" She doesn't seem to know what happened to her family while she's lost.

Aftet that incident, they have decided to hire a nanny to take care of their children when they're out for work.


Grand Central Park is very significant to Thomas and Manuel because that's where their love begun to sprout. It was a cerulean blue sky morning and sun slightly scorches your skin. The grasses were greener than green. Hence, a perfect spring day.

"Can I sit beside you?" Thomas asked Manuel that time because he has nowhere to sit. "Yeah, sure." Manuel then gave space to Thomas. At first, they were giving each other a silent treatment. Maybe, they were too shy to talk to each other. But then, Thomas initiated the conversation.

"How are you today?" He nonchalantly asked Manuel.

"I'm good. But not this time." Manuel groaned.

"Why is that so?"

"My mom died two weeks ago." Manuel was so devastated because of that.

"I understand you. I had the same thing when I was a kid. My mom died when was in the 4th grade. Then my father followed after 6 months because he hanged himself. Anyway, I grew up homeless." Then Thomas shed some tears too. He shrugged and looked up high. "Don't worry. Things would be better as soon as you move on." Then he tapped Manuel's shoulder.

Until... "Will you marry me?" Thomas asked while he's kneeling and holding Manuel's hand. "Yes, I will!" They then kissed and hugged each other.

And yes, it all happened in Grand Central Park. Thomas did it while autumn's leaves are all vanishing and the coldness comes in. Yet, that time, their love is incomparable in any warmth.


"Honey, I love you so much. Thanks for staying with me even when our times get rough." Manuel thanked his better half and lover.

"I would also say the same thing. But you said it first. So I'll just kiss you." Thomas killed Manuel's lips.

Their children were approaching them. Stephen is currently studying at City University of New York while Darlene is a freshman at Columbia University.

"Daddy! Dad! Still sitting there, huh?" Stephen teased his parents.

Darlene chuckled and almost laughed because of what Stephen.

"Dads, I've got my schedule for the next semester!" Darlene spred the news to them.

Thomas is now becoming so emotional. He never expected that his family would be this enduring. All of the sacrifices he made are all paid. Manuel is now crying because of joy. Hr also never felt this for their children.

"Daddy, don't cry." Stephen hushed them.

"No, I'm just happy, Stephen. I'm glad that you and Darlene are doing good at school." Manuel uttered with the feeling of joy for them.

They are now walking and roaming around the Grand Central Park.


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