Chapter 2

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A few days passed and I hadn't spoken to Geoff. I was feeling glum because I thought that our little rendezvous was magical. It seemed like he didn't feel the same way. However, I knew that he was interested in getting to know me. Geoff wouldn't have asked for my number if he didn't want to further our relationship.

I was laid across my soft, comfy, hotel bed reminiscing about the days before, when I heard a ding. My cellphone! I reached over and picked it up. Who could it be?

Geoff: Hey, how are ya?

"Hmm? Is this for real?"

Me: Hey! I'm doing fine, just enjoying my hotel room. Wbu?

Geoff: Sounds like a lot of I'm working on an arrangement
for an upcoming project. I had you on my mind.

Me: Yep, it's the best. Oh, that sounds more fun. It has been a few
days...since we've seen each other.

Geoff: Arranging is so much fun and a lot of work too. But I was
wondering if you like the zoo?

Me: The zoo is fun with friends...I wouldn't go alone.
Geoff: Great! So, the guys and I are going to the zoo tomorrow, around noon. Would you like to tag along?

Me: I'd love too!

Geoff offered to pick me up and I gave him the address to my hotel. This was a dream come true! He must've been telling the guys about me and they wanted to meet me! I had to cover my mouth and try not to scream. Excitement was bubbling inside me. "Yes!" I yelped quietly while jumping off the bed. I ran back and forth around the room like a crazy woman. "Woo!" I clapped my hands like a child who was just given candy.

How could I relax after being offered such an incredible opportunity? I could meet Eli, J, Tony, Earl, and Layne all at once! There was the possibility of meeting Nick, Ashley, and Cyndi too! It was so breathtaking. "Calm down, calm down. Breathe. It's six-thirty in the evening. Slow down." I steadied my breathing and sat down on my little couch. He's so gorgeous and his smile melts me away like ice cream on a summer day. I bit my lip.

I had to tell someone, so I called my dearest friend, Kathy.

Kathy: Hey, girly. How are things in Flo-ridaaa?

Me: Oh, my God! You won't believe who I ran into a few days ago!"

I sounded like a dying whale. My words all mushed together and drawn out.

Kathy: Who?

Me: He was all like "Oh, I'm sorry" and he hit me with a basket and
knocked me down, which hurt by the way...and...

Kathy: Audrey, slow down. Who is this guy?

Me: I never thought in a million years that he would ask me to the zoo.
The zoo! The fucking zoo!!! Ahah!

Kathy: Audrey! Who asked you to the zoo?

I took a deep diaphragmatic breath and proceeded to utter something close to his name.

Me: crush.

Kathy: Dude, no fucking way! Geophrey?

Me: Hell yes! We have each other's numbers and...yeah.

Kathy: Holy shit! I cannot believe this, but I believe you. This means he
likes you and wants to get to know you.

I daydreamed about Geoff and I holding hands, while walking past a group of zebras.

Kathy: So, umm...You've just forgotten all about Alex, huh? He means
nothing? He is nothing? No heart breaks? No more tears?

Me: Kathy, the fucking past is in the fucking past. Leave that ugly bitch right there,
please. Alex broke up with me and I did grieve. But, it's time to move the freak on.

Kathy: Are you insane? You and Alex were so happy, I thought.

Me: Forget him...forget what you thought we had. It was all a lie.

Kathy: Okay, I just don't want you to go fangirling over Geoff and do
something retarded. You're still emotional. This was supposed to be you and
Alex's vacay, you remember?

Me: How could I forget, Kathy? Besides, I'm cool, calm, and collected. No
crazy over here. I'm going to eat...guess I'll talk to you later?

Kathy: Alright...later.

I hung up without saying anything else. She just had to bring Alex into the conversation. He was the last person I wanted to think about. "That bastard!" I grunted loudly and threw a pillow across the room without thought. Kathy was right; I was still emotional about our breakup. I cried to her when it first happened, and I cried on the plane ride to Florida. Also, I cried when I came through the door of my hotel room. I told her I'd give her a call when I felt like talking...that's what I did. She would've been pissed if I hadn't told her about Geoff.

Then, she ruined my whole mood and maybe my appetite for the night.



Alright I hope y'all enjoyed chapter two. There will be more exciting chapters coming soon and it'll get really good really soon.

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