july 8, 2017 (day 7)

250 14 5

hyunjin woke up. he looked at the time. 4:37 AM.

"wake up jeongin." hyunjin shook the boy lightly. "i'm leaving today.."

jeongin's eyes shot open and sat up. he looked at him with sad eyes. "no!" he hugged him tightly.

hyunjin hugged him back and stroked his hair, "i'm sorry jeongin but i have to." he pulled away and pressed his lips against jeongin's lips. he got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. jeongin followed him, his pink lips tucked into a pout.


"are you ready to go?" hyunjin asked as he slid his shoes on.

jeongin sighed, "no, but i don't have a choice."

hyunjin frowned and kissed him slowly. he pulled away and caressed his cheek. "let's go now."

the younger nodded and went outside to start the car while hyunjin put his bags in the trunk. he sat in the passenger seat and held onto jeongin's hand which was resting on the armrest. jeongin pulled out of the driveway and onto the road.

hyunjin couldn't stop staring at him. even when he was driving. he could tell that jeongin was about to cry, but he was holding it in. he wanted to stay strong, and hyunjin knew that. he admired that about him.

once they got to the airport, jeongin finally began to cry. hyunjin noticed and hugged the boy. "come on jeongin," he pulled away and held his hand, "let's go."

he nodded and the both got out of the car. jeongin took hyunjin's luggage out of the trunk and handed it to him. they walked into the airport hand-in-hand.

"which way are we going?" jeongin asked.

hyunjin pointed to the left, "over there. let's go." he said softly.

the younger followed him until he wasn't allowed to anymore.

"hyunnie.." jeongin began to tear up.

hyunjin caressed his cheek and put his forehead against the younger's, "i know baby. i'll miss you too." hyunjin connected their lips together in a soft and gentle kiss.

tears fell down jeongin's cheeks as he pulled away. he hugged the older tightly, "i love you jinnie. i'm gonna miss you. why do goodbyes have to be so hard?" jeongin sniffed.

hyunjin hugged him back, "i'll come back. i promise. but for now, you have to be strong for me. okay?" he pulled away from the hug and wiped the younger's tears with his thumb.

jeongin nodded, "okay."

"i love you little fox." hyunjin kissed his cheek.

"i love you too jinnie." jeongin kissed his lips.

the older walked to his gate. jeongin watched as he disappeared onto the plane. he cried even harder.

jeonginnie 💞
text me when you land, ok?

hyunjinnie 💕
i will, dont worry

hyunjinnie 💕
get home safely, ok?

jeonginnie 💞

hyunjinnie 💕
and go back to sleep when you get home. you woke up early.

jeonginnie 💞
alright. i love you jinnie

hyunjinnie 💕
i love you too innie

jeonginnie 💞
text me when you land!! dont forget!!!

hyunjinnie 💕
i wont 😚

jeongin sighed and turned off his phone. he looked at the gate one more time before walking away. he was by himself this time. he felt lonely. he felt empty. he didn't have the love of his life with him. it felt different to him. once he made it back to the car, he started sobbing. he already misses him.

a/n: i changed the way the texts look so that its easier for me when i write heuheu. now that the week is over and i dont have to write about what they did the whole day, i can publish more often :)

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