Not a Blakk. Not Anymore.

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Ok, so in this story, there's going to be some talking in the Shadow Clan language. So when the writing is in bold and italics "Like this," it means they're talking in the Shadow Clan Language.


Pain. Hurt. It's all I've known since I opened my eyes for the first time after Father put me in the tube. I screamed, begging him to stop, to make me stop hurting, but he wouldn't. Now, I'm different. My eyes aren't brown anymore, but a bright pale green, and look like a Shadow Clans'. I teleport like they do too. Only, I can't control it yet. Father fires Tazerlings at me whenever I can't do it for him. Which is a lot.

Now I live in a cage. Father says the only way I'll get out is if I teleport. Until I do, he makes me to watch him hurt the slugs. I scream for him to stop hurting them but he won't. I get so mad!

Then one day, before he comes in to hurt the slugs, I do it. I finally manage to teleport. I grab the slugs, and run for the door. But it's too late. Father is standing in the doorway.

"So, Alexa, you finally managed to teleport," he sneers at me. Pale skin gleaming, and his mouth turning to a twisted grin, he walks towards me. Terrified, I back up, still holding onto the slugs. They're shaking as much as I am. "And I see that you thought you could escape with the slugs, did you? How pathetic!" He grabs his purple blaster with a red 'V' on it, and loads a Rammstone, aiming at me. "You will do only as I tell you to! Understand?!" His voice raises until he's yelling at me.

Still shaking, I look up to his eyes, and make my choice. "N-no." I say, voice shaking. "I won't let you hurt these slugs!" I put the down behind me, and get ready to be shot by the Rammstone.   Father looks really mad, and he aims the blaster. I hear the sound of it getting ready to fire, and I close my eyes, preparing for the shot. He fires, and the Rammstone hits me in the chest. I fly back, hitting the container with the slugs, and ramming into the wall!

I open my eyes to see the Rammstone on my chest in its small form, and looking worried for me. I look beyond him to Father. He's aiming his blaster at me again. I think. I can barely see, and know only one thing. I need to get out of here. With all the strength I have left, I grab the container of slugs, and the Rammstone sitting on me, and give the little bit of energy I have to teleporting. Anywhere but here. Somehow, it works, and I see a Shadow Clan in front of me. Then, it all goes black.


I'm laying on my back when I wake up, and I can hear chirping. I open my eyes, and see a green slug with one eye on my chest. He sees me open my eyes, and jumps, chirping loudly and happily. Soon, there are a lot of slugs on and around me, looking super excited that I'm awake.

"Hey there," I say and sit up. I realize that my chest doesn't hurt anymore. I look at the green, one eyed slug. He's the only one around me that I don't recognize, and he looks proud of himself. "Did you fix me?" I ask him. She nods, and I hold out my hand, and he jumps onto it. "Thanks!" I rub his head, and he leans into it, loving the attention. "I wonder what kind of slug you are,"

"He is a Boon Doc," says a voice behind me. I turn, only to see multiple Shadow Clan! "You are quite lucky that we freed these slugs in time. You were severely injured when you appeared, and had this Boon Doc not been among the slugs with you, you would be in much trouble." I couldn't believe that I could understand him! And that these Shadow Clan didn't hurt me!

I turned back to the Boon Doc. "Really?" He nodded and made an agreeing sound. "Thanks there little Medic!! I give him another rub, and then he hops up, onto my shoulder.

"Who are you child, and how is it that you were able to appear from the shadows as we do?" Another one asked from behind me. He was taller than the rest, and had different armour, as well as some kind of helmet or headpiece.

"I can understand you?! How? I thought no one could understand you guys!"  I exclaim. I look at the ground, and rub one of my arms with the other. "I don't know how I can do it." I told the tall one. "I just know that one day Thaddeus Blakk put me in a big tube, and the next thing I know, I can teleport. But that was two years ago, and this was the first time I did it when I wanted to."

Many of them growled, and some even looked ready to attack something. The slugs that I saved all gathered around me, making sure that I wasn't the target of that rage. Then the tall one spoke again. "Two years ago Thaddeus Blakk severely harmed one of our warriors. It would seem as though he made you like us. Able to transport yourself, and much stronger than any other human." He finally took notice of my eyes before adding more. "It also appears that he enhanced your vision as well, hence your eyes. It is possible that this transfer of abilities is what enables you to understand our language without aid. But you have still not answered my other question. Who are you?"

I sigh, and answer him. "My name is Alexa Blakk." The Shadow Clan and slugs around me looked shocked, and some visibly gasped. "But I don't want to be a Blakk anymore. I don't want to be reminded of how much Father hurt me every time someone says my name." I looked up at them, ashamed that I was related to someone as foul as Dr. Blakk, and afraid that they would try to make me go back.

It was then I realized that I had a choice. I promised myself that I wouldn't go back. Even if I had to be homeless, and without friends or anyone to help me, I wouldn't.

"If you do not wish to carry that name, so be it." The Leader said. "You may remain with the Shadow clan if you wish, in order to learn to control your abilities."  I couldn't believe it! I could stay with the Shadow Clan?! This day just kept getting better! First escape, then a chance to live freely with others that I could trust! The Leader waited for me to process this, and I could only grin.

"I would love to!!!"I finally replied. The Boon Doc on my shoulder jumped for joy, as did the other slugs around me. They hopped up onto me, until there were slugs sitting on my shoulders, legs, and head. And for the first time in two years, I laughed.

The leader smiled down at me, "We will call you Miracle, for your escape with the slugs certainly was one."  He turned to the other Shadow Clan, and gestured for me to stand. The slugs all hopped off me, except for the Boon Doc, and I stood. The Leader gently gook my hand, and raised it above my head, and addressed the rest of the Shadow Clan. "Let us celebrate! For the newest member of the Shadow Clan, and for her escape from the heart of darkness!  Welcome, Miracle!" The Shadow Clan all raised their own fists and cheered.

I couldn't help but grin. I finally had my freedom, and I couldn't wait to see what was in store next.

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