Just A Witch and Her Familiar Part 1

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After practicing to summon a familiar, StrawBree the Gentle was finally able to summon a huge beautiful white wolf. The ground beneath glowed the wolf glowed a bright yellow and golden light after a successful summoning. "By the gods! It worked! Now, what should I name you... Oh I know. From now on, I shall call you Felix!". Filled with excitement she decides to go and take her wolf out on a walk throughout the woods. She has been trying for weeks to get ingredients out there for her alchemy set. You see, she has been determined to create her own race of familiars of all different species of animals but, wanted to try to use it on a wolf first. StrawBree wanted to use the wolf because it is a strong and dominant animal with a fierce instinct who would be loyal to the people it would lead. The towns people of her kingdom laughed at her and chased her away from town to town. They despised her for such a lame idea and exiled her to the woods.

With the ingredients she was going to use, she wanted to see if they can help with the ease of casting a familiar and helping them stay in her realm for long periods of time. Maybe, even living a long and natural life. After a few months StrawBree the Gentle grew closer and closer to Felix. Going out into the woods was a very dangerous feat. She could not leave the home without Felix. Whenever she had to go bathe, find food, gather ingredients or talk to random strangers who were passing by, it was always a danger to be alone.

One day she had went out before the crack of dawn to go surprise Felix with another familiar wolf so he can mate with. She left the house without him this time to surprise him. About 15 minutes go by before Felix wakes up. He whimpers and panics to see that she is not home and breaks through the front door to see if she is not at home. He quickly runs all over the grounds of her property and to find out there is no sign of her. Luckily, he finds her scent trail heading towards the dangerous parts of the wood where she normally goes for strong potions.

He soon hears her scream. He runs as fast as he can to find but, when he does, she is hiding in the river behind some rocks being shot by some orcs. Hearing a howl in the distance, she breaks into tears knowing that she is finally safe. Felix jumps of the river and clearing it, landing on one of the orcs and ripping out his throat. He quickly turns to another who was wielding a sword and a potion getting ready to swing at him. Felix dodges it, bites onto both of his hands and rips them off the body of the orc. In the process, he broke the bottle and the serum had gotten into his mouth. He managed to swallow some put tried to cough out the glass. The orc ran off but bled out. 

He than turns to StrawBree crying and whimpering and starts to swim to her. She grabs onto his side and he pulls her to shore where she dropped her stuff. Crying and hugging Felix "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have left you home alone. I was trying to get you a mate using the same ingredients but I stole them from the orcs". He doesn't care for her reasoning, he is happy that she is in his protection once again. Licking her face and rubbing his head on hers was his way of showing that 'It's okay and your safe with me'.

They get back to the cottage and light a fire to dry off before they get sick and take the day to rest. They had rested by the fire all day and woke late in the evening but, something amazing happened. The potion that he had swallowed turned him into a human with wolf like features. When she woke up she felt a persons arm around her. She freaked out to see that a very large man with white hair all over his body was lying right next to her. Breaking out in tears of joy she screams in joy "Felix get up!". Naturally he got up and he spoke "What?! What is it are you okay?!". Shocked, they both looked at each other wondering what happened and they both remembered that the potion he swallowed turned him into a humanoid of sorts.

Slightly embarrassed and shocked she sees his huge cock and starts blushing. He didn't know what that means but she quickly went to her storage room to get some of her fathers old clothes that she had and gives it to him to where. Her father was bigger than him so the clothes were very baggy.

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