Chapter 23

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In the weeks following my tragic family gathering, I tried my hardest not to think about it. I didn't speak to my mother, and I was even starting to ignore Collin's calls. He wouldn't stop bringing it up.

Instead, I focused all my energy toward helping Harry.

The first visit he made to his mother's house went smoothly, from what I heard.

"I think he might actually be pulling his shit together this time. Maybe he can actually be a decent fucking father to this kid," he had ranted to me after. Despite his everlasting anger, I took this as a good thing. At least he wasn't closed off to the idea of his father changing, and at least his father was actually beginning to change.

Harry made several visits to his parents house, and I would get the story every time of how Anne was doing with her pregnancy and how his father was doing with his sobriety. It was all good news, for the most part, and it made me happy to see Harry improve because of it. He wasn't as angry all the time. He wasn't as hostile.

Jack even called me one day, totally freaked out by Happy Harry, and asked me what kind of drugs I had put his roommate on. And also if he could have some. I just laughed and said that none of it was thanks to me. It was all Harry and his own willingness to face his problems instead of turn away from them.

I always kind of wondered what it looked like; Harry and his family together. Happy. Acting like an actual family. But I always figured this was a process Harry had to undergo by himself in most ways. I was just there for support, just like he was for me after my mother's bitch rant.

"You never did repay me for that little family gathering I so willingly tagged along for," he brought up one evening while we watched a movie in his dorm. Jack was out for the evening with some friends, and Harry and I sat on the floor in front of his laptop sharing a bag of store bought popcorn.

"Well, you never demanded anything in return. The offer's still on the table."

"I'm seeing my family tomorrow," he said.


"And I want you to come."


did you know that writing on your phone, despite the numerous typos, is actually so convenient and lets you get SO MUCH MORE DONE LIKE WOAH. I've been updating everything lately like what is even happening

How do you think this thing with harrys fam will go?? Leave a comment! :)

Thanks for reading and ilysm xxx

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