Chapter 7

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“The phone is ready for you,” says the police officer, startling me from my sleep. I guess I dozed off. It’s easy to fall asleep when you have nothing better to do. Harry seemed bored out of his mind.

“Really?” I ask, immediately sitting up. I almost caught Harry rolling his eyes, but he covered it well.

“You each have one phone call.”

“I’ll pass,” Harry grumbles as I hop down from the bunk. The man opens the entrance for me to walk through while Harry watches me from where he sat. “Who’re you going to call?” he asks.

“Collin,” I decide. “I’d rather face him than my parents any day.”

The man led me a short distance from the cell to where a black payphone was attached to the wall. It was old and beaten up, probably used by tons of people. The officer wouldn’t leave as I dialed in my brother’s number. One of the only numbers I knew by heart.

“What if they don’t pick up?” I ask as the phone rings.

“Then you are allowed to try again. After three tries you aren’t allowed to call again until the next day.”

I roll my eyes at this stupid rule. I’d been here for almost exactly twelve hours now waiting for this phone call. I can’t imagine waiting twelve more.

As I heard Collin’s voicemail I panicked. He didn’t pick up. He didn’t answer. One call down, two remaining. I inhaled a shaky breath as I redialed his cell number. It’s noon. I can’t imagine what he’s doing.

One ring. Two rings. Three rings. Four rings.


I tried to relax and assure myself that he would respond after the third call, but I wasn’t so sure of myself. Maybe I’d be better off calling my parents, but knowing them they’re probably at work and wouldn’t answer anyway. Collin has to answer. He has to.

Ten digits. One call. I pressed the phone to my ear once again as it rang on.

And then came the dreaded voice.

“Hey, it’s Collin. Sorry I’m not picking up my phone but it’s probably for a reason. Like you’re probably really annoying or I’m just doing something way better than talking to you, so yeah, just leave a message and maybe I’ll call you back. Maybe. If you’re worth it.”


And then came the beep.

“H-hey Collin,” I say, trying to think up what to say before the message cut me off. “It’s me. Um, I’m in a bit of a situation right now. I got busted for something that I’m entirely innocent for, but point being I’m still at the police station right now. And I guess I’ll try to call you tomorrow, but please pick up because I need to talk to you. Okay, well thanks. Bye.”

I hung up the phone and the cop escorted me back to the cell.

“He didn’t answer,” I state numbly, sitting down by the wall across from Harry. “I called three times and he didn’t pick up.”

“Really sucks, doesn’t it?” says Harry.

I shoot him a look, which he blatantly ignored. I roll my eyes.

“I just want to get out of here,” I mutter.

“Yeah, well that sucks even more.”

“Stop,” I snap. “Just stop. Please.”

“Sorry,” he replies smugly. “But come on. Would you really be doing anything better?”

“I’d be in class.”

“And I’m sure you’d much rather prefer to hang out with me instead.”

“You’re hilarious,” I say lifelessly which he keeps that cheeky grin on his face. “I need to talk to Tyler too. I blew him off last night. God, he probably thinks I did it on purpose.”

“Wait,” Harry says slowly. “That’s why you were out so late? You were going to visit Tyler?”

“Why does that matter to you?” I ask, my cheeks blazing. He looked completely baffled.

“It doesn’t,” he assures, quickly composing himself. “I just can’t believe you’ve become that type of girl.”

 “What type of girl?” I challenge. “Say it.”

He narrows his eyes at me and thinks for a moment, as if weighing the consequences.


“No,” I insist. “I wanna hear you say it. What type of girl am I, Harry?”

“Well based off what I know, you’re the smart type. Smart enough not to get tangled up in relationships with guys like Tyler. You’re the quiet yet bitchy type. I don’t know. I never pictured you as the uncommitted relationship type.”

“Like you?”

“Hey, I can handle committed relationships. It just has to be with the right person.”

“Sure,” I scoff. “What’s the longest amount of time you’ve dated someone?”

He thought for a moment. “Two months.”

“That’s not bad. But it’s still short.”

He rolls his eyes. “Like I said, it has to be with the right person or of course it won’t last.”

“And what would make someone the right person?”

“I don’t know,” he says after a long moment of silence. “I guess I’ll figure it out when I find her.”


I didn't proof read this :p sorry for any mistakes. please let me know what you think! and sorry i haven't updated in like a lifetime :/ I had midterms this week and it was just crazy and now im exhausted and i actually cant believe I got around to uploading today like woah. THANKS FOR READING AND ILY<3 xx

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