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In our lives there's a lot of questions that needs some deep explanation answers. Which religion are true?

In our generations, many religious groups were preaching. The questions is? Do they preach the true gospel? Or their just using it just for their own good?

How could we identify the true preacher of God? Is their a true preacher in our generation today? But how sure we can considered him that he's a preacher of God?

First and for all, you need to open your bible. Read bible as your daily habbit. Before you proceed, just do a little prayer that may God guide you, a bible is a sacred thing where all the gospel of God written.

Just like what the John 3:16 says:

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have an eternal life.

I'm not a perfect kind of person that you can imagine, I have a lot of imperfections, but I just want to help other people to know the exact truth of faith.

Many news we're spread today about all the priest. Examples are rape cases, which is an adultery. Hearing those kind of thing could really break your heart. Many people who dearly respect them. But why did it happened? Is that we called a preacher of God? The answer is NO.

As we can see in our time, there's a lot of religious group were preaching today. As what the Jeremiah 26:2 says: Thus says the Lord: Stand in the court of the Lord's house, and speak to all the cities of Judah that come to worship in the house of the Lord all the words that I command you to speak to them. Do not holdback.

A true preacher is the one who tells the truth, when you say truth? There's no lie on it. The bible is a holy thing. A message from God to all people. All he want, is to return to him, all the people who have committed sinned.

Learned to observed, today as you can see. The people around and surrounds you. Until today satan were doing his own works. This world today is too dangerous to live. As we've noticed, there's also a lot of any crime's.

Do you believe that we are here in a called, the last day?

I'm not a preacher nor a messenger, I just want to write to help the people who blinded by the false prophet today. Yes?? The anti-christ was here now! Honestly they are also preaching in our time.

Anti-Crist? What does it mean?

When you say anti-christ. A kind of person who teach against the doctrine of Jesus. That's why I'd forced you to read the bible carefully. May the holy spirit will guide you by reading the holy scriptures of God.

If you really want to know the hiding truth. You can send me a message privately. There's a lot of lesson to learn about the true dotrines of Jesus Christ.

I may say, when you've heard it? You've gonna learned to be humble, learned to love your enemy, learned to be patience, learned to stay calm, and you can find rest to your soul.

It will guide your everyday life routine. And I truly assured you, that you could really feel the presence of our God. You've gonna learned to love your fellowmen. The poor, the homeless people, the widows. The old man and woman.

You can find a true family. A family that are true. No discrimination, but equal treat to one another. Because love is hope, mercy, kind, loving, peace, humble, light and wisdom.

And most above all, God is Love.

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