Paralyzing - Yukihira Souma

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        In all the time Souma spent in the Polar Star dormitory, he'd rarely been assigned to do the groceries.

        It was usually Fumio-san who regularly shops for Polar Star's necessities and additional food since they already have a farm.

         Today, however, the Madonna of the dormitory has fallen ill so everyone had to take on various chores to fill in the workload that Fumio-san left and it was Isshiki's job to decide on who has to work on what, considering that he's basically Fumio-san's right-hand man.

          "Yo Isshiki-senpai, I'd rather stay here and do the cooking, you know I'm not the one to turn to for finding quality ingredients" the red-head complained while scratching the back of his head.

           "Non-sense, I've already prepared a list and it's mostly cleaning materials, shampoo, soaps, and all that stuff so you'll be fine"

            Souma could only sigh at his response. I guess there's no escaping this.


          The young chef was halfway through wondering why they needed more cleaning supplies when they have a storeroom full of cleaning materials while picking up the specific brand Isshiki wrote on the list he provided when a cart came around the corner unexpectedly and crashed into his.

            Souma immediately doubled over the handle on his cart to at least minimize the damage it might do to his stomach and looked up with furrowed brows.

            "Gods! Fudge I am so sorry"


           Souma's words seem to be stuck in his throat as he registered who exactly crashed into him and caused half of the shelf of detergent to be scrambled on the aisle floor.

           The person he is looking at right now is too pretty to be real.

           "I'm so sorry for being clumsy, I wasn't looking before turning to this corner, fudge... fudge.."

            He stooped down to help pick up the mess and he managed to get a good look at your face but immediately looked away when you caught him staring.

            "Are you alright? Were you hit or anything?" you asked

            Souma looked you in the eye, giving you a half smile "Yeah, yeah, don't worry about me, how about you?"

             You laughed nervously, picking up the last bottle of detergent " I'm fine... Again I'm so sorry for bumping into you"

             He shook his head and put his hands behind the back of his head "Nah everything's good, really" He looked at you again, eyes scanning certain aspects of your appearance, seemingly too entranced to look away.

             You gave him a soft smile and then returned to your cart, pulling it back far enough to dodge around him.

             He watched you go; hand curling around a piece of paper, almost forgetting that it was Isshiki's list. Oh crap. He tried to smooth out the paper he almost destroyed.

            Right. I'm here for this. He thought, struggling to comprehend the words written on the list just because he couldn't take his mind off of how his stomach churned after you gave him that smile or the way you innocently said 'fudge'.

           He cleared his throat and headed towards his desired aisle to buy the dorm's shampoo stock.

           Souma was in a deep dilemma, I mean it wasn't every day a guy was lucky enough to run into such a pretty girl by chance. See, you weren't supposed to be in his plan for the day but now he's wondering if you come here regularly, if you have a favorite dish, if you met Isshiki-senpai since he occasionally does the groceries. Wait.

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